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Tracking Truckers’ Hours

Today, Policy Integrity submitted comments to the Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

At issue is a proposed regulation that would require truck drivers to use electronic devises that will monitor how long they’re spending behind the wheel. These devices, technically called “electronic on-board recorders” will help drivers ensure they’re taking enough breaks and getting enough rest so that they don’t pose a danger to highway safety and their own long-term health. It will also encourage them to comply with upcoming regulations that will set legal limits on how many hours truckers can drive in one sitting, and in a given number of consecutive days.

Today’s comments reiterate the recommendations we submitted earlier this month on a different regulation that would, if implemented, decrease the hours drivers are permitted to stay on the road. This proposed measure, while better than past rules, may not be stringent enough to keep our highways safe from over-tired truckers.

We recommend additional analysis that DOT should undertake to ensure the rules that are ultimately passed are strong enough to maximize net benefits.