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In the News

  • Dean Revesz on what the Kerry-Graham climate legislation must include

    An important addition to any new climate bill is a refund mechanism to protect lower and middle class families from increased energy prices. No matter what road Congress takes to control our greenhouse emissions, energy prices will rise to some extent. The costs businesses incur in their compliance of any new rules will be passed on to consumers.

  • Administration panel attaches price tags to carbon emissions (subscription required)

    “For all regulations that have an impact on the climate, either good or bad, they’re going to use these numbers to value those effects,” said Michael Livermore, executive director of New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity, a nonpartisan advocacy organization and think tank. The work group notes, however, that most federal regulatory actions would only marginally affect the cumulative global output of warming gases.

  • Dean Revesz on how EPA should regulate greenhouse gases

    Since the EPA has no choice but to regulate greenhouse gases, and could come under serious legal fire if it does not, it is a good idea for EPA to act. The Supreme Court decided in Massachusetts v. EPA that the agency had two options: either determine that greenhouse gases are not a danger to human safety, or do something about them. So what is the best way for Administrator Lisa Jackson to proceed?

  • Revesz on why a clean energy standard is not enough

    Clean energy standards will not go far enough to rein in our carbon emissions and will cost more—pound for pound—than putting a price on carbon. Granted, it is better to take some action than it is to take none, but this is a small, expensive band-aid on a planet-sized problem.

  • Retaking Rationality featured in analysis of Obama’s improvements to regulatory agencies

    As Richard L. Revesz and Michael A. Livermore argue in a recent book, Retaking Rationality, there is nothing intrinsically illiberal about cost-benefit analysis. Indeed, it can be quite consistent with a progressive faith in social science.

  • Holladay quoted on waiting to drill for oil offshore

    J. Scott Holladay, an economics fellow at New York University School of Law’s Institute for Policy Integrity, says that some assumptions and omissions in the report call the huge GDP number into question. One of the biggest omissions, he says, is the option value of leaving the oil where it is.

  • Revesz and Livermore on the last best chance for climate legislation till 2013

    A sleeper bill by Senators Cantwell and Collins that places a cap on carbon, auctions permits, and put a check into every American’s pocket has been picking up steam (see positive editorials in the Economist, Washington Post, and Denver Post). It might just strike the right balance of job creation, simplicity, and populism to take off.

  • Livermore quoted on transition to a new, clean energy economy

    Fogarty pointed to a paper by Michael Livermore, executive director of the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law, which argues for charging companies that emit carbon dioxide. Livermore claims laws making greenhouse emissions more expensive are the best tools for spurring innovation in renewable energy. “When prices of a commodity are low, there is less incentive to invest in innovation to reduce use of that commodity,” Livermore states.

  • Debunking False Energy Claims

    The majority of 144 economists polled by New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity, or 84 percent, agree that global warming’s effects “create significant risks” to the economy, and 94 percent agree that the United States should join climate agreements to limit global warming. The Securities Exchange Commission said for the first time that companies should disclose to investors the risks that climate change poses to their businesses. The Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law found that failing to deal with climate change will cost our economy an average of $27 million to $375 million every day from now until 2050. This does not include environmental costs or costs to public health.

  • Michael Livermore with an update on President Bush’s midnight regulations

    In the months leading up to President Obama’s inauguration, the Bush administration rushed through a raft of controversial regulations. These “midnight regulations,” like the one that would allow mining waste to be dumped into rivers and streams in West Virginia, caused a major stir at the time—but whatever happened to them? After a year in office, has the new president been able to clean up his predecessor’s last minute mess? The answer is a mixed bag of attempts, delays, successes, and road blocks.