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Viewing recent projects in Electricity
  • Research in support of heating oil regulations

    For the last year, New York City has been working to develop potential regulation of the dirtiest heating oils used in residential and commercial boilers. Policy Integrity has been in close contact with city officials and interested advocacy groups as the rule is being developed to help quantify the potential health benefits and shape a rational regulatory response.

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  • NY State Energy Plan released

    New York State released its final Energy Plan today. Few changes were made from the revised draft version from the draft version. Policy Integrity had proposed distributing tradable energy vouchers to businesses instead of pure electricity subsidies in order to incentivize them to reduce their electricity usage—at no extra cost to taxpayers.

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  • Expanded comments on the New York State Energy Plan

    Policy Integrity expanded on our initial comments on the New York State Energy Plan. In this version, more detail is offered on how the state could build efficiency incentives into its economic development programs.

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  • Comments on New York state electricity subsidies

    New York State subsidizes the electricity bills for some companies as a way of encouraging them to keep their business here.

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  • Unlocking the Green Economy Cover

    Unlocking the Green Economy

    How Carbon Pricing Can Open the Floodgates of Private Investment in Clean Energy

    Unlocking the Green Economy: How Carbon Pricing Can Open the Floodgates of Private Investment in Clean Energy calls for the Obama Administration to implement carbon pricing as a necessary step to transition to a green U.S. economy.

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  • The Cost-Benefit Compass Cover

    The Cost-Benefit Compass

    Navigating the Perfect Storm of Economic, Environmental, and Energy Challenges

    The Cost-Benefit Compass: Navigating the Perfect Storm of Economic, Environmental, and Energy Challenges discusses how the next administration can use cost-benefit analysis to address the three great interrelated challenges facing the country.

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  • Statement of Principles for HEAP energy relief efforts

    Economists know that when the cost of basic goods like energy increase, quality of life of decreases most for people with lower incomes. This is an important issue that government agencies should consider when estimating the effects of regulations.

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  • Retaking Rationality Cover

    Retaking Rationality

    How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Better Protect the Environment and Our Health

    In Retaking Rationality: How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Better Protect the Environment and Our Health (Oxford University Press, 2008), Dean Richard L. Revesz and Michael A. Livermore argue for a more rational approach to cost-benefit analysis and regulation. They show how traditional cost-benefit analysis tends to overestimate costs and underestimate benefits, leading to less-than-optimal levels of regulation.

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