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Recent Projects

  • DOJ Releases Final PREA Standards

    The Department of Justice (DOJ) released a final rule to prevent, detect and respond to sexual abuse in prison facilities, in accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA). The rule marks the government’s first ever effort to set standards to protect inmates in facilities at the federal, state and local levels.

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  • Letter to OIRA on Interagency Coordination

    Policy Integrity submitted a letter to OIRA Administrator Cass Sunstein today with recommendations for how OIRA can improve interagency coordination. The letter focuses on two key areas: (1) concerns about regulatory conflict, and (2) potential for harmonization of cost-benefit analysis methodology.

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  • President Obama Signs New Executive Order

    President Obama signed off today on a new Executive Order aimed at identifying and reducing regulatory burdens. It calls upon agencies to evaluate the effectives of old rules and issue reports on their progress.

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  • Public Comments to the Administrative Conference of the United States

    Today, Policy Integrity submitted public comments to the Administrative Conference of the United States regarding their Committee on Regulation’s proposed recommendations for review of regulatory analysis requirements.

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  • Letter to EPA on Stormwater Regulations

    Today, EPA was supposed to propose rules to curb stormwater run-off—the murky, polluted water that gushes into rivers and oceans after heavy rains. They now say the proposal will come in May.

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  • Regulatory Red Herring Cover

    Regulatory Red Herring

    The Role of Job Impact Analyses in Environmental Policy Debates

    The debate on jobs and environmental regulation too often relies on thinly-supported forecasts about jobs “killed” or “created” by public protections. In the din, questions about larger costs and benefits of protections for clean air or water can get lost.

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  • EPA Releases NSPS for Power Plants

    The EPA released its first ever greenhouse gas standards for new power plants after a delay at the beginning of the year. The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) limit emissions from new plants to 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt hour of electricity produced.

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  • Suggestions to the Small Business Administration on Regulatory

    This week, President Obama laid out his blueprint for lowering corporate taxes. The response from Republicans: small businesses will suffer.

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  • Comments to EPA on reconsideration of Boiler MACT

    Boiler MACT regulations will take harmful soot out of the air as well as mercury and other heavy metals. It will have a significant positive effect on respiratory and cardiovascular health. But EPA is currently reconsidering some of the rule it deems shaky.

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  • Comments to the Virginia Board of Health on Access to Health Care

    Recently, women’s health has been a topic of national news. It’s also made headlines in Virginia where the state government has taken steps that could effectively shutter many women’s health clinics.

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