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The Institute for Policy Integrity produces a variety of publications. Our research reports develop in-depth research on our core issues, while our policy briefs and issue briefs provide focused analysis on more timely or particular topics. Our academic articles and working papers offer original scholarly research and analysis from established experts as well as fresh new voices.

Latest Publications

  • Making Regulations Fair Cover

    Making Regulations Fair

    How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Promote Equity and Advance Environmental Justice

    To achieve the Biden administration’s ambitious commitments to equity and environmental justice, agencies will need guidance on how to assess and weigh the distributional effects of policy options. This report recommends steps that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) can take to mainstream equity into agencies’ decisionmaking.

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  • Modeling Strategic Objectives and Behavior in the Transition of the Energy Sector to Inform Policymaking Cover

    Modeling Strategic Objectives and Behavior in the Transition of the Energy Sector to Inform Policymaking

    in The Electricity Journal

    The typical starting point and centerpiece of energy decarbonization is the electric power sector, a large direct GHG emitter. Published in The Electricity Journalthis paper explores what the modeling community should do to inform this transition, including expanding energy market datasets and designing models that incorporate multiple objectives and manifold actors behaving strategically in a framework consisting of large uncertainty, while accounting for the physics of power systems.

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  • Toward Rationality in Oil and Gas Leasing Cover

    Toward Rationality in Oil and Gas Leasing

    Building the Toolkit for Programmatic Reforms

    Leasing public lands and waters for fossil-fuel extraction drives a quarter of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. Our new report offers analytic tools for federal leasing decisions to drive policies that maximize economic and environmental welfare—nationally and locally.

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  • Regulating Risk from Toxic Substances Cover

    Regulating Risk from Toxic Substances

    Best Practices for Economic Analysis of Risk Management Options Under the Toxic Substances Control Act

    This report identifies best practices EPA should adopt to holistically assess and weigh the costs and benefits of risk management options, allowing the agency to meet its statutory obligations and best enhance public welfare.

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  • Climate and Power System Reliability in the Aftermath of the Texas Blackouts Cover

    Climate and Power System Reliability in the Aftermath of the Texas Blackouts

    The February 2021 blackout in Texas underscored the importance of reliable and resilient power systems. This article discusses the roles of regulators, markets, fuel and generation supply chains, and interdependent infrastructures, and finds that they need to be reconsidered and redefined to successfully meet the future challenges of increased electrification and severe weather

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