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Viewing all publications in Environmental, Energy & Climate Justice
  • Making Regulations Fair Cover

    Making Regulations Fair

    How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Promote Equity and Advance Environmental Justice

    To achieve the Biden administration’s ambitious commitments to equity and environmental justice, agencies will need guidance on how to assess and weigh the distributional effects of policy options. This report recommends steps that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) can take to mainstream equity into agencies’ decisionmaking.

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  • Toward Rationality in Oil and Gas Leasing Cover

    Toward Rationality in Oil and Gas Leasing

    Building the Toolkit for Programmatic Reforms

    Leasing public lands and waters for fossil-fuel extraction drives a quarter of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. Our new report offers analytic tools for federal leasing decisions to drive policies that maximize economic and environmental welfare—nationally and locally.

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  • Distributional Consequences and Regulatory Analysis Cover

    Distributional Consequences and Regulatory Analysis

    Published in Environmental Law

    This article examines what it would take for the Biden effort at incorporating environmental justice into regulatory decisionmaking to succeed where the Clinton and Obama efforts failed. It argues that agencies will need to be provided with clear guidance on the methodologies used to conduct distributional analysis, and that the lack of a standardized approach is part of the reason prior efforts failed. It further argues that agencies will need to take seriously the already existing requirement of analyzing the distributional consequences of different regulatory alternatives. Otherwise, they will never be in a position to answer the key question in this area: when are the better distributional consequences of one alternative sufficient to overcome another alternative’s higher net benefits?

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  • Policy Shifts in a Pandemic Cover

    Policy Shifts in a Pandemic

    Assessing the Environmental Laws and Policies Weakened in Response to Covid-19

    The Covid-19 pandemic has led federal, state, and municipal policymakers to adopt a number of measures that suspended, delayed, or relaxed a variety of environmental safeguards. Our report analyzes these pandemic-related policy shifts and their impacts on public health and the environment. We also provide guidance on how agencies can increase transparency about these actions, counteract detrimental effects, and preemptively create guidelines to improve responses in a future emergency.

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  • Improving Environmental Justice Analysis Cover

    Improving Environmental Justice Analysis

    Executive Order 12,898 and Climate Change

    Distributional and equity concerns have typically received short shrift in federal administrative decisionmaking, particularly with regard to actions with climate-change impacts. This report aims to aid advocates and policymakers in meaningfully addressing the disparate climate impacts of federal actions. 

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