Ana Varela Varela
Affiliated Scholar
Ana Varela Varela is an affiliated scholar at Policy Integrity. She completed a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development at Columbia University in 2020, where she specialized in environmental and urban economics. Her research leverages methods from microeconometrics, data science, and remote sensing to improve our understanding of how environmental impacts unfold in an unequal and heterogeneous world.
Ana also holds a Master in City Planning from the University of California, Berkeley, as well as degrees in Environmental Studies from Imperial College London, and in Civil Engineering from the University of A Coruña, Spain. Prior to graduate school, she worked as a consultant in sustainable infrastructure and urban planning projects. After working as an Economic Fellow at Policy Integrity, Ana joined the Amsterdam School of Economics at the University of Amsterdam as an Assistant Professor.
She can be reached at [email protected].
Academic Articles
Distributional Impacts of Carbon Capture in the US Power Sector
Published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Carbon Trading for New York City’s Building Sector
Report of the Local Law 97 Carbon Trading Study Group to the New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate & Sustainability
Making Regulations Fair
How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Promote Equity and Advance Environmental Justice