
The WE ACT Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center for EPA Region 2: New Jersey and New York

The WE ACT Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (WE ACT TCTAC) provides free technical assistance, educational resources, and access to environmental justice, grassroots organizing, and energy justice expertise for individuals and organizations.

Serving EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, and eight federally recognized Indian Nations), the WE ACT TCTAC is one of 18 Technical Assistance Centers established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. As a partner of the WE ACT TCTAC, the Institute for Policy Integrity offers ongoing virtual trainings and technical expertise to overburdened communities in our region. Visit the WE ACT TCTAC website to learn more or request assistance.

Past Trainings

  • TRAINING: Federal Accountability and Environmental Justice Obligations

    This was the second part of our training series, focusing on providing Environmental Justice communities with the tools to effectively engage with government at all levels. This training focused on how Environmental Justice is considered in the regulatory processes across federal agencies and ways that communities can engage the process. Participants learned how rules and regulations are created by different agencies to protect the environment, public health, and public welfare.

  • TRAINING: Understanding Environmental Justice Laws and Policies

    This training presented a high-level overview of key laws and policies that require the consideration of Environmental Justice (EJ) issues in decisionmaking at the federal and state level for New York and New Jersey. Participants left the training with a deeper understanding of both the possibilities and limitations of EJ laws and policies, and pathways for communities to effectively engage with the government on EJ issues.

  • TRAINING: Institute for Policy Integrity’s Introduction to Justice40 & the CEJST Tool

    The Institute for Policy Integrity will host a webinar to provide an overview of Justice40 and the Climate & Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) developed for it. As a partner in a the coalition chosen to run EPA's Region 2 Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center, Policy Integrity will continue to provide technical assistance, training, and related support to communities with environmental justice concerns and their partners, including through events like this.