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Kate Welty

Legal Fellow

Kate Welty is a Legal Fellow at Policy Integrity. Before joining Policy Integrity, Kate worked as a law clerk for the Honorable David G. Campbell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona. Kate earned her J.D. cum laude from University of Michigan Law School where she served as a senior editor for the Michigan Law Review. During law school, she worked with Earthjustice's Toxic Exposure and Health Program, the U.S. DOJ's Environment and Natural Resources Division, the U.S. EPA’s Region Five Division, and Michigan's Environmental Law and Sustainability Clinic.

Previously, Kate worked as an environmental due diligence consultant, auditing industrial and heavy manufacturing facilities for regulatory compliance and environmental health and safety concerns. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Engineering from Columbia University. 

She can be reached at [email protected] 

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