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Richard L. Revesz

Director (On Leave)

Richard Revesz is currently on leave, serving as administrator for the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Richard L. Revesz, the AnBryce Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus at NYU Law School, is one of the nation’s leading voices in environmental and regulatory law and policy. At NYU, he directs the Institute for Policy Integrity, a think tank and advocacy organization focusing in these areas. Revesz received a BS summa cum laude from Princeton University, an MS in civil engineering from MIT, and a JD from Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal. After judicial clerkships with Chief Judge Wilfred Feinberg of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and Justice Thurgood Marshall of the US Supreme Court, Revesz joined the NYU faculty in 1985 and served as Dean from 2002-13. Revesz is the director of the American Law Institute, the leading independent organization in the U.S. producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law; a senior fellow of the Administrative Conference of the United States; and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

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