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Energy and Environmental Policy: The Quest for Rationality

  • September 28, 2018
  • 9:30am–7:00pm ET
  • New York University School of Law | 40 Washington Square South – Vanderbilt Hall | New York, NY

Video of the panels and keynotes is available here.

Our 10th anniversary conference will focus on critical debates on environmental, energy, and natural resources policy and on the evolving role of economic analysis in these areas. This event is co-sponsored by the NYU Environmental Law Journal.

View the full agenda here

CLE credit will be available. Check here for more information on credits. CLE materials are linked below and will be available for viewing at the registration table.


9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Policy Integrity 10th Anniversary Reception (all attendees are invited)
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.


Gina McCarthy, Director, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard University; former Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

  • In conversation with: Richard Revesz, Director, Institute for Policy Integrity; Lawrence King Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus, NYU School of Law

CLE Materials

Cass Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard Law School; former Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

  • In conversation with E. Donald Elliott, Professor, Yale Law School; Senior of Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP; former Assistant Administrator and General Counsel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

CLE Materials



Kathleen Frangione, Chief Policy Adviser, Office of the Governor for the State of New Jersey
Cheryl LaFleur, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Andrew G. Place, Vice Chairman, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Moderator: Burcin Unel, Energy Policy Director, Institute for Policy Integrity

CLE Materials


Megan Ceronsky, Executive Director, Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy; former Special Assistant and Associate Counsel to President Obama
Richard Morgenstern, Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future; former Senior Economic Counselor to the Undersecretary for Global Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Vickie Patton, General Counsel, Environmental Defense Fund
Jonathan Pershing, Program Director for Environment, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; former Special Envoy for Climate Change, U.S. Department of State
Moderator: Michael Livermore, Professor, University of Virginia School of Law; founding Executive Director, Institute for Policy Integrity

CLE Materials


Nada Culver, Senior Counsel and Director, Wilderness Society’s BLM Action Center
David J. Hayes, Executive Director, State Energy and Environmental Impact Center at NYU Law; former Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Brenda Mallory, Executive Director and Senior Counsel, Conservation Litigation Project; former General Counsel, White House Council on Environmental Quality
Moderator: Jayni Hein, Policy Director, Institute for Policy Integrity

CLE Materials