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Webinar: Getting the Value of Distributed Energy Resources Right

  • May 20, 2020
  • 12:00pm–1:00pm ET
  • Register to receive webinar link

The webinar slide presentation is available here.

The presence of distributed energy resources, like solar panels and energy storage, is growing. So, the question of how they should be compensated is increasingly important for state public utility commissions and stakeholders to address.

Led by Energy Policy Director Dr. Burcin Unel and Senior Attorney Justin Gundlach, our webinar discussed the different values that distributed energy resources can provide to the grid, consumers, and society. We described how these values could be incorporated in compensation through "value stacking," a promising solution to current policy debates on net metering policies, and provided suggestions and a roadmap for implementing this approach. 

1 CLE credit is available for those who viewed the webinar in real-time. Here are the relevant written materials: