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  • Conversations with Eco-Innovators: Economics of International Biodiversity Preservation

    Many countries around the world face a range of environmental risks-including loss of biodiversity-along with extreme economic challenges and the threat of political instability. Balancing these sometimes competing concerns, while highlighting the economic benefits associated with environmental protection, is a key challenge for many developing countries. Cost-benefit analysis can serve as a useful tool to clarify tradeoffs, increase government transparency, and inform the international community of areas of risk where financial or other forms of support are most needed.

    On January 11, the dean of NYU School of Law, Richard Revesz, and Olivier Langrand, Executive Vice President of Public Sector Engagement at Conservation International, held a discussion on the economics of international biodiversity preservation. To listen to the conversation, click here.

  • Global Cost-Benefit Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities

    As developing countries advance, they face increasingly complex environmental and public health challenges. These challenges will require governments to incorporate more sophisticated tools into their policy-designing process. Governments will also need to be better informed as they take on more complicated regulatory problems. Further, as developing countries continue to face limitations on financial resources, it will be important for their officials to determine which policies maximize net benefits for their societies. Cost-benefit analysis can be an important tool to allow developing countries to reach policy decisions based on a better understanding of the ultimate effects of these policies. This will be the focus of a conversation between a select group of scholars, practitioners, and government officials with expertise in environmental, public health, and energy policy.