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In the News

  • Meet Biden’s Climate Team 2.0

    The White House is bringing on a new cast of senior climate and energy officials to succeed the veterans who helped build the Biden administration’s climate policies. Biden on Friday named his pick for another White House post that could have major implications for regulations across the federal government, including climate and energy rules. The president announced Richard Revesz, a New York University law professor who runs an environmental think tank, to lead the White House Office of Information of Regulatory Affairs, or OIRA.

  • Richard Revesz Nominated to Lead Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

    On September 2, President Joe Biden nominated NYU Law’s Dean Emeritus Richard Revesz, AnBryce Professor of Law, to be the next administrator of the US Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). OIRA, contained within the executive branch, reviews rules drafted by federal agencies and oversees the implementation of rules and regulations across the federal government.

  • Biden Has a $369 Billion Climate Plan — and New Advisers to Get the Program Running

    The White House also announced on Friday that Biden would nominate Richard Revesz to a powerful regulatory job in its budget office: the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). Revesz, a law professor at New York University, specializes in environmental and regulatory law. If confirmed by the Senate to lead OIRA, he would have a key role in the oversight of executive climate action.

  • Biden Has Chosen a Climate Change Legal Expert to Head a Major Regulatory Office that Hasn’t Had a Permanent Leader in a While

    President Joe Biden made the anticipated nomination of Richard Revesz, a dean emeritus and professor at the New York University School of Law, for a key role overseeing regulations coming out of the executive brand. On Friday, the White House put up Revesz for the role of administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, promoting Revesz as an expert in environmental and regulatory law. The administration emphasized his work "advocating for protective and rational climate change and environmental policies." The role requires Senate confirmation. 

  • Biden to Nominate Environmental Law Expert to Lead Powerful Regulations Office

    President Biden on Friday announced plans to nominate environmental law expert Richard Revesz to lead the small but powerful White House office in charge of overseeing federal regulations. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which sits within the White House Office of Management and Budget, has been without a permanent occupant since Biden took office.  

  • NYU Climate Lawyer Nominated to Lead Biden’s Regulations Office

    President Joe Biden has nominated environmental law attorney Richard Revesz to lead the White House’s regulations office, which hasn’t had a permanent leader in nearly two years. Biden nominated Revesz, a New York University law professor who specializes in climate change and regulation, to lead the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. The office is little-known outside Washington but wields tremendous power over how federal agencies execute the president’s agenda.

  • Biden Nominates NYU’s Revesz To Serve As OIRA Administrator

    President Joe Biden is nominating Richard Revesz of New York University (NYU) law school to serve as the administrator of the White House Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), a key office that conducts interagency reviews of EPA and other federal rulemakings before they are released. Revesz, who founded NYU’s Institute for Policy Integrity (IPI), has long been considered a top nominee but could not be reached for comment.

  • A Judicial Threat to Conservation

    If courts can simply wipe away regulations at their discretion, it will have profound effects on how environmental agencies behave. According to the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law, judicial intervention led to significant setbacks to President Trump’s agenda, with the administration winning a mere 6 percent of cases against it.

  • California Creates Legislative Roadmap to Zero-Emission Vehicles by 2035

    Amid the national effort to reduce emissions, state laws play a key role, according to the United States Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of governors working to turn back climate change. The alliance released a resource Monday, “The Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases: A Guide for State Officials,” to help leaders better understand the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions. It was put together by the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law and is freely available to public officials.

  • Liquefied Natural Gas Reviews: Reforms for Rigorous and Durable Decisionmaking

    After a meteoric rise in production over the past decade, the United States has become the largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the world. Yet, the analysis behind LNG terminal and export approvals overlooks climate and environmental justice impacts, despite promises of imminent reform. Policy Integrity’s new report provides a comprehensive look at the Department of Energy’s (DOE) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) past practice in this space and offers recommendations for improving their review of the climate and environmental justice impacts of LNG approvals.