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In the News

  • Environmentalists Urge OMB to Use Civil Rights Enforcement in EJ Strategy

    The Institute for Policy Integrity, a regulatory think tank based at New York University, says in July 6 comments that OMB should “detail sustainable methodologies and procedures that agencies can implement,” and identifies four principles to guide such action.

  • States Join Coalition to Stop California from Setting U.S. Automotive Standards

    A coalition of 16 states is urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to not reinstate a waiver allowing California to implement its own carbon emissions standards. According to the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law, from 1967 to 2018, the EPA granted more than 50 waivers for California alone, fully denied one in 1980, which was subsequently reversed, and revoked zero.

  • Morning Tech: Paging the FTC

    The Institute for Policy Integrity wants the FTC to weigh in on drip pricing, the hidden fees revealed later on in the purchasing process.

  • NY Transmission Overhaul: Model or Ill Omen for Biden?

    After years of bottlenecks for renewables, new transmission projects are moving forward in New York in a move that observers say could be a model for other states and the Biden administration. Pushback could be a challenge nationally given that interregional transmission lines may pass through states with different policy priorities, a problem New York has mostly been able to avoid so far, said Justin Gundlach, senior attorney at the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law.

  • Industry, GOP States Ramp Up Push to Assume Trump Stances in Suits

    Legal experts say they expect these kinds of filings will happen more regularly in coming months. “There will be lots of them,” says Ricky Revesz, director of New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity (IPI). “It’s not an unusual pattern. The same thing happened in the beginning of the Trump administration. Parties that were already intervening on the side of the Obama administration took the role of defending the Obama regulations that were now being attacked by the Trump administration.”

  • As OMB Eyes Carbon ‘Cost’ Updates, Groups Clash Over Metric’s Role

    Supporters of a stronger SCC are defending the Biden administration’s process to date and suggesting that the current interim SCC estimates -- $51 in estimated per-ton CO2 control benefits in 2020 -- could at least double by January 2022 following the White House’s planned update to the tool. “I would expect that come January, the [SCC] number will be at least $125 a ton,” New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity (IPI) director Richard Revesz tells Inside EPA’s Climate Extra.

  • This Gas Utility Has Agreed to Stop Building a Contentious Brooklyn Pipeline

    Justin Gundlach explained that the New York Public Service Commission is in a tough spot—coordinating the decline of the gas system is deeply complicated, and the state is still in the midst of a process to determine what, exactly, that decline should look like. 

  • The Institute for Policy Integrity Advocates Broader Acceptance and Use of the Social Cost of Carbon

    Richard Revesz is interviewed about the social cost of carbon and its crucial role in crafting smarter energy and climate policies. Justin Gundlach and Peter Howard discuss how the SCC can be further improved.

  • Bot-Generated Comments on Government Proposals Could Be Useful Someday

    This kind of bot would help catch human errors and help make regulations more accurate. Language processing tools could analyze a proposed rule to determine its subject matter area, then crawl through related academic research to find and submit relevant scientific studies to the agency. This could help improve the government’s analytical basis for its policy choices.

  • Ending the Snipe Hunt for Buyer-Side Power in PJM and Other Capacity Markets

    Conflating economic problems has led FERC to implement inappropriately broad rules without grounding its decisions in rigorous economic analysis. The Expanded MOPR was based on a faulty premise and unsupported by economic theory. Ending the snipe hunt for state exercises of market power in capacity markets is a critical first step toward empowering stakeholders to craft durable economic solutions that allow markets to work.