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In the News

  • Trump Rollbacks Causing Premature Deaths Should Not Be Celebrated

    The administration’s so-called accomplishments, which include rolling back hazardous waste regulations and consumer protection rules, will inflict great harms on the American people, resulting in additional deaths, illnesses, and bankruptcies. The damages done by these heedless regulatory rollbacks significantly exceed the cost savings for regulated industries.

  • Chemical Plant Safety Rule Rollback Presses on After Legal Loss

    An industry-friendly replacement for Obama-era chemical facility safety rules is moving forward despite a court decision in August that questioned the agency’s basis for making changes. The agency could have a stronger case if it let the original rule take effect and proposed changes down the line based on real data developed during the implementation, Bethany Davis Noll said.

  • Government Should Stay Out of Energy Market

    The Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law found: “There are no well-established studies that, relying on realistic assumptions, show that increasing the availability of generators with ‘fuel security’ attributes will enhance the resilience of the electric system.” What has been analyzed is the costs of forcing the purchase of power from coal and nuclear plants. And it is substantial.

  • Carbon Pricing Talk Heats Up Amid State-Federal Policy Rift

    “If designed properly, a carbon market or carbon price would always be looking for the cheapest carbon, whether it was energy efficiency or whatever the cheapest fuel source was, that’s what the carbon price would find,” Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur told Law360 at a recent energy and environmental policy conference hosted by New York University School of Law’s Institute for Policy Integrity.

  • Responding to Anti-Regulatory Tropes

    Every institution, no matter how much good it brings to the American people, has room for improvement. But opponents of the regulatory state ignore the net benefits of regulation.

  • Gina McCarthy: These Are ‘Crazy Ass’ Times

    Speaking Friday at the Institute for Policy Integrity’s 10th anniversary conference at the New York University School of Law, McCarthy ticked off a long list of environmental policies that frustrate her. Some of her complaints: Climate science has been scrubbed from government websites; the administration is changing how it calculates the benefits of slashing greenhouse gases; and President Trump has said he’ll exit the Paris climate accord.

  • Trump’s Vow to Cut Red Tape Doesn’t Extend to Legal Immigrants

    Ricky Revesz, director of the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University, said that the administration’s financial analysis of the proposal overlooks plenty of potential costs. For instance, it doesn’t account for the potential that illnesses and health expenses might climb as a result of immigrants rejecting food stamps that help them buy nutritional fare.

  • Next Year ‘Even Larger’ for Rollbacks — Regs Chief

    In the panel discussion, Richard Revesz, director of the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University, slammed its impact on cost-benefit analysis. “[Executive Order] 13771 requires a cap on costs, suggesting the goal of the regulatory system is to minimize overall regulatory costs, not to maximize the net benefits of regulation, which is the hallmark of cost-benefit analysis,” he said.

  • How FERC Can Protect Customers and Respect State Energy Policy Authority in its PJM Capacity Market

    State climate policies enhance rather than detract from market efficiency, as explained by scholars at the Institute for Policy Integrity in this capacity markets report.

  • Omitted Health Costs Could Tip Scales on EPA Methane Rollback

    Those public health costs “could be the thing that determines whether the rule is actually justified or not,” Avi Zevin, an attorney with the Institute for Policy Integrity, told Bloomberg Environment. “[EPA] should be doing a more complete consideration of what those costs of the foregone health benefits are, what they would mean, and how that factors into their decisionmaking,” Zevin said.