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  • What the Supreme Court’s EPA Decision Means for the Mercury Rule and Clean Power Plan

    In the final ruling of an historic Supreme Court term, the Obama administration was handed a loss on Monday, but the fallout will likely be minimal. In a 5-4 decision written by Justice Antonin Scalia, the court found that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should have considered costs when it first began the regulatory process for its Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.

  • Supreme Court Ruling is Far from a Death Sentence for Obama’s Clean Power Plant Rules

    “The court didn’t do anything to this rule. The case now gets remanded to the D.C. Circuit,” Richard Revesz, director of the Institute for Policy Integrity and dean emeritus of NYU Law School, said shortly after the ruling was released. “I don’t think this is any blow at all. I think it is pretty clear that this rule will ultimately be upheld.”

  • Oil Companies Are Drilling On Public Land For The Price Of A Cup Of Coffee

    One of the U.S. government’s largest sources of non-tax revenue comes from the land it leases to oil, gas and coal companies. Last fiscal year, the federal government generated more than $13 billion from drilling and mining activities on its land – but it should have made hundreds of millions of dollars more. Antiquated pricing rules have given these energy companies access to federal lands at prices that ignore decades of inflation, as well as many environmental and health costs of fossil fuel production.

  • Justices’ Opinions Grow in Size, Accessibility and Testiness, Study Finds

    That is probably healthy given the divisions on the current court, Professor Livermore said. “Burying those sentiments in formalistic writing doesn’t erase the tension,” he said. “It just obscures it. There is something valuable about the crystallizing statement.”

  • In Cromnibus, a Penny Saved, but Sensible Policies Lost

    At least in theory, the federal budgeting process is about rational investment. Funds are spent on programs and agencies that deliver benefits to the public, justifying their costs. However, aspects of this bill reflect congressional myopia, rather than investment in the future. Some provisions in the bill impede cost-benefit justified regulations and hinder efforts to improve public health and safety.

  • Net Neutrality Puts Lens on White House, FCC Ties

    “There is no bar — the White House can communicate its views,” said Richard Revesz, dean emeritus at the New York University Law School. “It’s true that it can’t direct the answer, but often that’s not necessary because the White House has significant leverage over [executive and independent] agencies.”

  • ACUS Panel Urges Agencies To Improve Rule Petition Reviews

    An Administrative Conference of the States (ACUS) panel has approved draft recommendations urging EPA and other agencies to craft written procedures to improve efficiency in responding to public petitions for rulemaking action, in order to establish better processes for analyzing and responding to the petitions in a reasonable time.

  • Criticism of EPA’s Economic Analysis Sorely Misplaced

    A recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) suggests that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should improve the way it analyzes regulations. Critics have been quick to trumpet the EPA’s “failure,” but in reality, the EPA deserves an A (or at least an A-).

  • The False Dichotomy of Agency Independence

    An agency is typically lumped into one of two categories: executive (subject to presidential control) and independent (not subject to presidential control). Kirti Datla and Richard L. Revesz discuss how the “independent agency” label does little more than create a false dichotomy. There are not just two types of agencies. Different permutations of design choices result in many different kinds of agencies. And so, in reality, agencies fall along a continuum ranging from most insulated to least insulated from presidential control.

  • Analyzing the Job Impacts of Regulation

    As the United States struggles with a high unemployment rate in the wake of the Great Recession, it is worth examining carefully the relationship between jobs and regulation, as well as possible policy responses to it. A recent panel discussion held at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania sought to do just that. The panel, organized around the recent publication of the book “Does Regulation Kill Jobs?,” showed how difficult it is to find any evidence to support claims that regulations systematically kill jobs. Political rhetoric notwithstanding, the book’s introductory chapter states that “the existing empirical research suggests that regulation does relatively little to reduce or increase overall jobs in the United States.” Richard L. Revesz, Lawrence King Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus at New York University Law School, recognized the challenges currently associated with estimating the employment effects of regulation. But he noted that economists and policy analysts have successfully overcome similar methodological challenges in estimating risks and the costs and benefits of regulation more generally. With a concerted effort at additional research and analysis, he argued, agencies could do a better job of developing reliable estimates of job impacts, which would be better than allowing these effects to continue to be exaggerated in political discourse.