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Amicus Brief on Tailpipe Rule

Policy Integrity submitted an amicus brief today on a federal court case challenging the EPA’s ability to regulate emissions from motor vehicles. Some industry groups and states are contesting the validity of the EPA and NHTSA’s (National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration) “Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards” finalized last year.

Our brief evaluated some technical issues of the EPA’s tailpipe rule on gas emissions, including whether EPA properly calculated projected economic benefits in relation to the costs of compliance for industry. We confirmed that the emission standards for light duty vehicles should be held as consistent with standards for administrative law and best economic practices, and that ultimately the rule is justified by economic analysis showing benefits to far outweigh the costs of compliance.

Policy Integrity was the only non-profit organization granted leave by the court to submit an amicus brief in support of the EPA in this case.