Policy Integrity filed comments on Venture Global CP2 LNG's application to the Department of Energy (DOE) for authorization to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement nations. We argued that in line with relevant case law, DOE must consider the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the CP2 LNG project in its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review, and weigh the impacts in its Natural Gas Act Section 3 assessment. In doing so, DOE should apply reasonable assumptions to quantify indirect greenhouse gas emissions and better analyze substitution impacts from LNG exports. Furthermore, DOE should refrain from applying its recent NEPA categorical exclusion rule to the CP2 LNG project due to severe legal deficiencies with that rule. Finally, we urge DOE to work with FERC on a single NEPA review for the project because DOE and FERC's Section 3 authorizations are connected actions under NEPA.