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Al Huang

Environmental Justice Director

Al Huang is the Environmental Justice Director at IPI and a lawyer. His work utilizes a model that focuses on providing legal and technical assistance, when invited, to grassroots groups in low-income communities and communities of color facing disproportionate burdens, such as toxic pollution. The foundation of his work is deeply rooted in the Principles of Environmental Justice and Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing, where social change comes from the ground up.

Prior to coming to IPI, Al directed the environmental justice work and served as a Senior Attorney at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) for 17 years. During his time at NRDC, he guided the growth and development of environmental justice and equity work institutionally, while also litigating cases on behalf of environmental justice communities around the country. He also provided legal, policy and technical assistance to countless community-based grassroots organizations. 

Al has also worked as a staff attorney at the Environmental Health Coalition, a grassroots environmental justice organization in San Diego; legal fellow at the ACLU of Northern California; Senior Legal and Policy Analyst for Coming Clean; and legal fellow at the Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment. 

He has taught environmental justice law and practice as an adjunct professor at Fordham Law School and NYU Law School. He currently serves on the Environmental Justice committee of the American Bar Association and is also an appointed member of the New York City Environmental Justice Advisory Board.

He received his J.D. and Masters degree in Environmental Law & Policy from Vermont Law School, and his B.A. from Hamilton College. 

He can be reached at [email protected]

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