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Comments to EPA’s SAB on Peer Review of Draft Revised EJTG

EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) seeks comments on its review report of the EPA’s Draft Revised Environmental Justice Technical Guidance (EJTG), which reviews the methods and procedures described in EPA’s Draft Revised EJTG for evaluating environmental justice concerns in regulatory actions. The Institute for Policy Integrity submitted comments making four key recommendations that the SAB can use to advise EPA:

  • The SAB should advise EPA to distinguish EJ analyses from analyses that characterize distributional effects in the Draft Revised EJTG. 
  • When conducting quantitative analyses, the SAB should advise EPA to encourage analysts to monetize the effects when possible instead of presenting only probability risks or volumetric values. 
  • If EPA determines that it cannot conduct a particular analysis or cannot fully monetize or quantify elements of an analysis, the SAB should advise EPA to document its reasons behind that decision.
  • The SAB should advise EPA to consider the EJ implications of its actions or proposed rules as early as possible, and then reconsider iteratively as part of the rulemaking process.