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Building Power in the Environmental Movement Series (Part 2): BIPOC Attorneys on Careers in Environmental Law

  • March 25, 2021
  • 12:30pm–1:30pm ET
  • Online event

Visit the New York City Bar Association event page to register.

Hear first-hand from BIPOC attorneys who have forged exciting careers in environmental law, discussing the challenges they faced, the advice or help they received along the way, and the recommendations they have for new attorneys interested in exploring a career in environmental law.

Opening Remarks:
Sam Sankar, Senior Vice President of Programs,Earthjustice

Marisa Blackshire, Senior Director, Environmental Compliance and EH&S, Bloom Energy
Courtney Bowie, Managing Attorney, Northeast Office of Earthjustice
Jonathan O Nwagbaraocha, Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability Counsel & Compliance Leader, Xerox Corporation
Roy D. Prather III, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond PC

Adriane Alicea, Deputy Director, Green 2.0