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Recent Projects

Viewing recent projects in Climate and Energy Policy
  • Comments to EPA in support of emissions findings

    Policy Integrity submitted comments to EPA in support of the agency’s proposed findings that motor vehicle emissions of greenhouse gases contribute to dangerous air pollution. The comments also highlight some important issues for the agency to consider as it moves forward and call EPA’s attention to some legal obligations that will not be satisfied by the proposed endangerment findings alone.

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  • Letter in support of the Cap and Dividend Act

    Policy Integrity released a letter of support for HR 1862. This bill, known as the Cap and Dividend Act of 2009, proposes a system of curbing greenhouse gas emissions that auctions carbon allowances and refunds the proceeds to American households.

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  • Unlocking the Green Economy Cover

    Unlocking the Green Economy

    How Carbon Pricing Can Open the Floodgates of Private Investment in Clean Energy

    Unlocking the Green Economy: How Carbon Pricing Can Open the Floodgates of Private Investment in Clean Energy calls for the Obama Administration to implement carbon pricing as a necessary step to transition to a green U.S. economy.

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