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Media Resources

Title Date
New Report Details How Federal Agencies Can Improve Climate-Related Environmental Justice Analysis 01/28/21
Statement on Climate-Related Executive Order 01/27/21
Statement on ACE Rule Court Decision 01/19/21
Statement on EPA Rule Obstructing Scientific Evidence 01/05/21
Groups Support New York Public Service Commission Plan to Require Utilities’ Disclosure of Risks from Climate Change 12/10/20
Statement on EPA Rule Upending Economic Analysis of Clean Air Act Regulations 12/08/20
New Report Calculates Environmental Benefits of Distributed Energy Resources Nationwide 09/11/20
New Report Details Feasible Policy Solutions for U.S. Transportation Failures 09/10/20
Statement on Title X “Gag Rule” Court Decision 09/03/20
Court Vacates Trump Administration’s Repeal of Fuel-Economy Penalties Rule 08/31/20
Statement on Weakening Oil and Gas Standards 08/10/20
FERC Rejects NERA Petition Threatening Net Metering Programs 07/16/20
Statement on Waste Prevention Rule Court Decision 07/16/20
Statement on GAO Report on Social Cost of Carbon 07/14/20
New Report Examines Economic Claims Behind Trump-Era Deregulation 05/28/20
Report on EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic 05/21/20
Statement on Cross-State Air Pollution Court Ruling 05/19/20
New Resource Tracks Reduced Enforcement of Environmental Laws Related to COVID-19 04/24/20
Statement on EPA Undermining the Basis for Mercury Pollution Safeguards 04/16/20
Key Economic Errors in the Clean Car Standards Rollback 04/01/20