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Viewing recent projects in Public Comments
  • Department of Commerce – Comments on Manufacturing and Regulation

    We recently submitted comments to the Department of Commerce in response to its request for information on the impact of federal regulations on domestic manufacturing. The DOC requested comments on ideas for retrospective review of permitting and regulatory requirements, with a focus on repealing existing “burdensome” requirements. The agency also sought information about the potential adverse impacts of regulations on manufacturing.

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  • Reply Comments on California Distributed Energy Resources Policy

    The California Public Utilities Commission proposed using a Societal Cost Test to help select the combination of distributed energy resource projects that will result in the greatest net benefits to society. We counter the feedback that some stakeholders gave on implementing this approach in our reply comments. We argue that the Commission should: (1) expand its discussion of the legal basis for applying a societal cost test that includes a full range of externalities; (2) use the damage cost approach to determine the value of greenhouse gas abatement, rather than the proposed abatement cost approach; and (3) apply a societal discount rate to the analysis.

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  • Comments on California’s Evaluation Methods for Distributed Energy Resources

    We recently submitted comments to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on their proposal to develop a more robust societal cost test to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of distributed energy resources (DERs). California has been a national leader in addressing the challenges associated with DER integration, and this proceeding will help the state to reform their cost-effectiveness framework.

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  • Toxic Substances Control Act Comments

    We recently submitted two sets of comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on issues related to the implementation of the recently amended Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The first comment letter focuses on EPA’s proposed restrictions on the manufacture, processing, and distribution of trichloroethylene (TCE) for use in aerosol degreasing and in spot cleaning in dry cleaning facilities. Our second comment letter focuses on EPA’s proposed process for conducting future risk evaluations under the amended TSCA.

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  • Comments on California’s Clean Cars Program

    We recently submitted comments on the California Air Resource Board’s (ARB’s) Midterm Review of its Advanced Clean Cars program, which sets pollution limits and zero-emissions vehicle targets for automobiles sold in California. California is unique among the states in that the Clean Air Act allows it to seek a waiver from EPA to set its own automobile emission targets, which other states can then adopt.

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  • Comments to Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on Greenhouse Gas Reductions

    The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (“MassDEP”) has proposed a set of regulations to limit the greenhouse gas emissions from electric power plants, natural gas pipelines, government-owned transportation equipment, and utility-owned switchgear equipment. MassDEP has also proposed a new requirement that retail sellers of electricity purchase gradually increasing amounts of clean energy, along with non-binding targets for greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

    In our comments to MassDEP, we offer three suggestions to ensure these regulations cut global greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective way. First, we encourage MassDEP to prevent potential emissions leakage to other states in the Northeast’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI”) program. Second, we recommend the regulations should be technology-neutral and use a flexible compliance system. Third, we recommend enforceable emissions limits on the transportation sector rather than non-binding targets, especially considering that the state’s emissions from transportation sector are almost twice those of the electric sector.

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  • Public Comments to OIRA on Regulatory Review Guidance

    President Trump’s recent Executive Order on reducing regulation directed agencies to identify two existing regulations to repeal when issuing a new regulation, and to offset all incremental costs of new regulations. On February 2, 2017, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) released interim guidance on how it plans to implement the Executive Order, and we submitted comments on the guidance.

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  • Comments to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Proposed Rulemaking for Electric Storage Participation in Markets Operated by RTOs and ISOs

    In November 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced its intent to ease the process for energy storage and distributed energy resources to participate in wholesale electricity markets. The proposed rule would require regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs) to revise their tariffs to energy providers in order to promote technology neutrality. In comments on the rule, we recommend that in addition to adjusting these tariffs, FERC should take more steps to fully realize the benefits that these technologies could provide for wholesale markets. We recommend that the Commission explicitly clarify the benefits for which it compensates these technologies; allow states to compensate for distribution-side benefits; eliminate location-based constraints on resource participation while recognizing the importance of location in optimally dispatching these services; encourage coordination between RTOs/ISOs and state regulators; and promote advanced metering technology to increase efficiency in how energy is dispatched.

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  • Comments to California Air Resources Board on 2030 Target Scoping Plan Draft

    This summer, California extended its greenhouse gas emissions reduction program to 2030 with two companion bills. The legislation modifies how the Air Resources Board (ARB), the state agency responsible for regulating air pollution, should assess proposed policy measures and prioritize goals in designing regulations. ARB staff released a preliminary draft of the scoping plan for how to meet the new 2030 targets in early December and is expected to release a second draft for comment in mid-January. We submitted comments on the December draft, making recommendations on how to structure the scoping plan’s economic analysis to best achieve the goals laid out in ARB’s new mandate.

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  • Comments on Distributed Energy Valuation Methods in New York

    The New York State Public Service Commission’s “Reforming the Energy Vision” initiative, an effort to modernize New York’s electricity policy, seeks to integrate distributed energy resources (DERs) into the state’s energy supply. The Commission sought proposals on how to compensate these producers of electricity for the full value that they provide to the electric grid. We submitted joint comments with the Environmental Defense Fund on an appropriate valuation methodology. We encourage the Commission to include the full range of environmental benefits of DER, such as reduced air pollution, and to ensure consistency across the Commission’s other programs and across all technologies. This work builds on our earlier comments on unbundling price signals to compensate DER for the time-based, locational, and environmental benefits they provide.

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