
Recent Projects

Comments to HUD on Improving Approaches to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

HUD has implemented several recommendations outlined in a regulatory report published by the Institute for Policy Integrity in the proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. By incorporating our recommendations, HUD has more clearly defined its goals in “affirmatively furthering fair housing,” and has provided metrics and data that municipalities can use to measure their compliance.

However, Policy Integrity has submitted comments that recommend HUD make additional changes. One recommended change is that HUD provide additional guidance on how to measure prospective and existing projects’ effectiveness—ideally through a single aggregate metric. In addition, HUD should also encourage grantees to conduct cost-effectiveness analyses in determining which projects to pursue. Finally, HUD should also collect additional data on the benefits of fair housing as the program develops.

By incorporating these recommendations into the proposed rule, HUD and its grantees will be better equipped to determine optimal spending levels on projects.