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Viewing all publications in Natural Resources
  • The BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill, Option Value and the Offshore Drilling Debate Cover

    The BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill, Option Value and the Offshore Drilling Debate

    One year after crude oil began gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, little action has been taken to prevent a similar disaster. A report authored by Gaia Larsen and Michael A. Livermore finds that overly simplistic economic analysis by the government may have helped lead to the accident.

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  • Residual Risks Cover

    Residual Risks

    The Unseen Costs of Using Dirty Oil in New York City Boilers

    In about 9,000 big apartment and commercial buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx, boilers burn a dirty fuel to heat their units. “Residual Risks” analyses the health, environmental, and economic benefits of switching away from this dirty fuel to cleaner alternatives like natural gas.

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