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  • Energy Market Design — New Research and Policy Approaches

    Energy market design is key to efficiently decarbonizing the power system. This webinar discussed ongoing policy questions and the latest research on how different market designs could affect clean energy outcomes. The recording is available here.

  • Public Acceptance and Governance in Energy Policy

    We held a conversation about conflicts and consensus building around energy policy decisions and infrastructure projects, including solar and wind energy production projects, pipelines, and transmission lines. Panelists from around the country shared their recent research and policy expertise. The recording is available here.

  • Building Power in the Public Sector—DEI and Anti-Racism at Environmental Jobs in Government

    We held a conversation about what city, state, and federal agencies that focus on environmental law are doing to support diversity and inclusion and the path forward for the governmental and private sector for advancing equity. Click here to see some highlights from the event.

  • Just Transition in the Power Sector—New Research and Policy Approaches

    We organized a 1-hour webinar to discuss new research on energy justice in the electricity space and how this work can help inform policy. The recording is available here.

  • Webinar: What’s Next in Climate Economics?

    Economics has transformed the way we understand and address climate change. In this Climate Week NYC panel discussion, experts will discuss economics advances and related policy changes that could be on the horizon, from more accurately calculating the costs of climate impacts to better serving environmental justice. Watch the recording here.

  • Getting the Gas Sector’s Energy Transition Underway

    A video recording of the event is available here.

    Thanks to states' decarbonization commitments and the availability of technological alternatives to gas-reliant appliances, the coming decades are likely to see radical reductions in natural gas use in residential and commercial buildings and the adoption of clean alternatives. The Institute for Policy Integrity, Columbia Law School's Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, and NYU School of Law's State Energy & Environmental Impact Center will bring together officials from some of the states leading the way in this transition and ask them to share their distinct perspectives and insights about the path forward.

  • Building Power in the Environmental Movement Series (Part 3): Environmental Justice and New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act

    Environmental justice and equity concerns are central to many environmental matters and thus to a career in environmental law. As a case in point, New York’s new Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act contains key equity provisions, which must now be implemented. Join experts working on putting these provisions into effect to discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by the new law.

  • Building Power in the Environmental Movement Series (Part 2): BIPOC Attorneys on Careers in Environmental Law

    Hear first-hand from BIPOC attorneys who have forged exciting careers in environmental law, discussing the challenges they faced, the advice or help they received along the way, and the recommendations they have for new attorneys interested in exploring a career in environmental law.

  • Addressing the Social Costs of Driving Through a Vehicle Miles Traveled Fee

    A video recording of the event is available here.

    No comprehensive climate policy can achieve its goals without addressing the transportation sector – the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Please join the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation and the Institute for Policy Integrity for a webinar discussing the recent report, A Pileup: Surface Transportation Market Failures and Policy Solutions, and the path to a road user pricing system.

  • When Old Laws Threaten New Climate Ambitions: A New York Case Study

    A video recording of the event is available here.

    Several states have recently passed legislation mandating ambitious levels of economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions reductions. While the laws establishing these state mandates authorize agencies to adopt new regulations, they do not spell out what to do about existing laws that enable—and, in some cases, encourage—the consumption of fossil fuels. Our webinar, co-hosted by the Environmental Defense Fund, explored this challenge by considering New York's clean energy transition, and tensions between old laws and the landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.