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  • Carbon Pricing in Wholesale Energy Markets

    Video and slides from the conference are now available. The Institute for Policy Integrity and Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions hosted a conference in Washington, D.C., focusing on the different approaches for carbon pricing in wholesale energy markets.

  • The Administration’s Recent Tailpipe Rule: Law and Policy

    On September 19, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced a final rule to determine that California may not adopt or enforce regulations of carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles. This rule upends nearly 50 years of clean air policy and disrupts an area of climate policy that has been relatively stable for almost a decade. The state of California and 22 other states, along with the cities of Washington DC, Los Angeles and New York, immediately filed suit. In this webinar, panelists will examine the legal and policy issues that this agency action raises.

  • Paying For It: Estimating and Responding to the Costs of Climate Inaction

    Policymakers and researchers are working to better understand how climate change will affect key sectors of the economy, how we can best adapt to these impacts, and how to communicate the economic urgency of the crisis. At the Institute for Policy Integrity’s annual conference, experts and policymakers from around the country discussed how we can better estimate, prepare for, and communicate the high cost of inaction.

  • Discerning Experts Book Launch

    Policy Integrity is hosting the launch of a new book, “Discerning Experts: The Practices of Scientific Assessment for Environmental Policy.” Written by Michael Oppenheimer, Naomi Oreskes, Dale Jamieson, Keynyn Brysse, Jessica O’Reilly, Matthew Shindell, and Milena Wazeck, the book assesses how scientists deliberate and decide on the facts that guide environmental policy and action.

    The event will include a discussion with the authors and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Dan Fagin, and a reception afterwards. It is co-sponsored by NYU School of Law and NYU’s Department of Environmental Studies.

  • U.S. Energy Storage Landscape: State Leaders and Laggards

    Watch the November 2018 webinar on the U.S. energy storage landscape, hosted by the Institute for Policy Integrity and EnerKnol.

    Learn about:

    • State energy storage targets
    • Regulatory roadblocks
    • Key takeaways


    Jonathan Crawford
    Head of Research

    Dr. Burcin Unel
    Energy Policy Director
    Institute for Policy Integrity
    New York University School of Law

  • Energy and Environmental Policy: The Quest for Rationality

    Our 10th anniversary conference will focus on critical debates in environmental, energy, and natural resources policy and the evolving role of economic analysis in these areas.

  • Valuing Climate Damages

    On September 13, the Institute for Policy Integrity will host a panel discussion in San Francisco that will look at how countries, states, and companies are using climate damage estimates to inform their decisionmaking. This panel is a Global Climate Action Summit affiliate event.

  • Building Power: Diversifying the Environmental Movement - People & Policy

    Green 2.0 hosted an event with the Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU School of Law, on the lack of diversity in leadership across the environmental movement. Our discussion will brought together environmental leaders from philanthropy, academia, government, and the nonprofit sector to discuss the movement’s pipeline problem and the policy implications of a monolithic movement.

  • GREEN STATES: Energy, Climate, and a Different Federalism

    State actions increasingly define the future of our nation’s energy system and determine our national response to climate change. A distinguished group of speakers, including attorneys general and high-level policymakers from across the country, discussed how states are developing innovative climate and energy strategies and using both litigation and policy to create cleaner, more resilient energy systems.

  • Environmental Policy Under the New Administration

    When the White House changes hands, major changes in environmental policy will be imminent. The Institute for Policy Integrity’s eighth annual conference explored potential shifts in natural resources policy, energy sector regulation, and climate change policy under the Trump administration. A distinguished group of current and former government officials, energy industry executives, environmental advocates, and policy experts discussed what’s likely on the horizon when Donald Trump takes office.