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  • Will the Clean Power Plan Make it Through the Courts?

    The EPA’s Clean Power Plan is finally here, and so are the lawsuits challenging it. This panel will discuss the ongoing litigation related to the Clean Power Plan and likely outcomes. The panel is part of Vermont Law School’s second annual Alumni in Energy Symposium.

  • A Path Forward on Energy Policy

    Major energy policy changes are on the horizon as U.S. policymakers grapple with climate change, fossil fuel trends, and shifting business models in the energy sector. States, cities, companies, and other groups around the country are finding innovative ways to rethink energy economics and alter the way we use energy. At our seventh annual fall conference, noted experts from government, the private sector, and academia will discuss what to expect as the energy landscape evolves.

  • On the REV Agenda: The Role of Time-Variant Pricing

    New York Department of Public Service, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), and Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law are hosting a forum, “On the REV Agenda: The Role of Time-Variant Pricing,” on March 31, 2015, featuring Ahmad Faruqui from the Brattle Group as the keynote speaker.

  • Advocacy Training: Energy Finance 2015

    A training program for environmental advocates and attorneys from around the world. The program is designed to provide advocates and attorneys with the skills to understand and engage in the financial aspects of current debates on fossil fuels.

  • Merchants of Doubt - Film Screening and Panel Discussion

    Join us for a screening of an acclaimed new documentary, followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker and two prominent climate change experts. Merchants of Doubt lifts the curtain on a secretive group of so-called “experts” who are putting on a dazzling show designed to deceive the American public on some of the most important topics in our lives, from food to chemicals to climate change.

  • California’s Climate Change Agenda

    Join us for a discussion of the nation’s most successful climate program. California operates the world’s first economy-wide Cap-and-Trade program, which has received a stamp of approval from both state and federal courts. Thanks to this innovative approach, the state has rebounded economically while reducing carbon pollution.

  • The Clean Power Plan and the EPA Proposed Carbon Pollution Standards

    Rutgers Energy Institute, Rutgers Climate Institute and Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy present a mini-panel with Jason Schwartz (Legal Director, Institute for Policy Integrity;
    Adjunct Professor, NYU School of Law) and John Larsen (Senior Analyst, Rhodium Group).

  • High Stakes in the High Court: The Battle Over Federal Regulatory Reach

    The Supreme Court will soon decide the fate of policies on climate change, health insurance subsidies, and other critical issues that test the limits of federal government regulation. How is the Court likely to rule on these issues? And what is unique about litigating cases before the Supreme Court? Sean Donahue and Peter Keisler are frequent adversaries in the Supreme Court, regularly representing opposing sides in environmental cases. Caitlin Halligan, former Solicitor General of the State of New York, is a prominent legal expert who has argued numerous cases involving a broad set of federal regulatory programs. The panelists will discuss their past experiences and speculate about the Court’s future direction.

  • Agenda-Setting in the Regulatory State: Theory and Evidence

    Policy Integrity’s legal director Jason Schwartz will speak at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C., as part of the Penn Program on Regulation’s workshop, “Agenda-Setting in the Regulatory State: Theory and Evidence” on November 7th.

  • The Future of U.S. Climate Policy: Coal, Carbon Markets, and the Clean Air Act

    The Institute for Policy Integrity’s annual fall workshop focused on the Obama Administration’s recent efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act, as well as the future of U.S. climate policy more generally.

    United States Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island gave keynote remarks, along with Joel Beauvais, Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy at EPA. The day’s panel discussions featured a mix of state government officials, legal academics, and representatives of both the private sector and leading environmental nonprofits.