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In the News

  • $1B Power Line Rejection A Reminder Of Grid Project Hurdles

    "There has been a vague recognition for a long time that big transmission lines are hard to develop and get built," said Justin Gundlach, a senior attorney at the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law who focuses on state energy and climate policy. "I think recognition is dawning that not only is this a bottleneck, this is a bottleneck for which our solutions aren't entirely clear." State electricity planners may also have to weigh siting risks of major transmission projects more heavily when comparing them against potential alternatives, Gundlach said.

  • Mandating Disclosure of Climate-Related Financial Risk

    We support the SEC’s plan to propose a rule requiring standardized climate risk disclosures. Doing so would further the Commission’s mandate to protect both investors and the public interest. Our forthcoming paper in the N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation and Public Policy provides several recommendations for how the SEC should build its institutional knowledge as it designs and enforces a climate risk disclosure regime.

  • U.S. Proposes Broad Limits on Methane

    Adding to the uncertainty is the US Supreme Court's recent decision to hear a sweeping challenge to EPA's authority to regulate greenhouse gases from stationary sources, although legal experts expect the court will focus on novel aspects of a since-abandoned 2016 rule that created a cap-and-trade-like system for CO2 from power plants. "That issue is not present in the methane rule," New York University School of Law professor Richard Revesz said.

  • New York Rejects Two New Gas Power Plants as ‘Inconsistent’ With Climate Law

    Justin Gundlach, a senior attorney at the Institute for Policy Integrity, a New York University think tank, said the decisions are likely to set a precedent and steer planning in New York’s power sector by “tamping down expectations” about whether the future promise of clean hydrogen can justify the development of natural gas plants today.

  • New York Denies Air Permits For Two Gas Plants Due To Climate Concerns

    New York regulators are, for the first time, denying Clean Air Act operating permits for two proposed new natural gas-fired power plants over climate change concerns after regulators determined that the projects would violate a new state law to cut greenhouse gas emissions. According to Justin Gundlach, a senior attorney at the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University, this is not the first time the state has cited the CLCPA to deny a permit, having rejected water and pipeline permits already, but it is the first denial of air permits, in this case Title V operating permits under the Clean Air Act.

  • EPA Can Regulate Fossil Fuel-fired Appliances — Report

    EPA has the authority under the Clean Air Act to set emissions standards for new fossil fuel-fired heating appliances used in millions of residential and commercial buildings that cumulatively generate “substantial quantities” of greenhouse gases and smog-forming pollution, according to a new analysis from the Institute for Policy Integrity.

  • Think Tank Urges EPA Regulation Of Gas Appliances To Limit NOx, GHGS

    “Fossil fuel-powered appliances ubiquitous in residential and commercial buildings collectively emit almost three times more smog-forming nitrogen oxides than the nation’s gas-fired power plants, and almost as much planet-warming carbon dioxide,” IPI says in an Oct. 25 statement announcing a new report that makes the cases for such regulation.

  • Longer, More Frequent Outages Afflict the U.S. Power Grid As States Fail to Prepare for Climate Change

    Across the nation, severe weather fueled by climate change is pushing aging electrical systems past their limits, often with deadly results. “There is no question that climatic changes are happening that directly affect the operation of the power grid,” said Justin Gundlach, a senior attorney at the Institute for Policy Integrity, a think tank at New York University Law School. “What you still haven’t seen … is a [state] commission saying: 'Isn’t climate the through line in all of this? Let’s examine it in an open-ended way. Let’s figure out where the information takes us and make some decisions.’ ”

  • Staffing, Leadership Concerns Bedevil OMB

    Despite the leadership issues and skeleton staffing, “OIRA is not slowing the process down,” said Ricky Revesz, a New York University law school professor who directs the Institute for Policy Integrity. “[Rules] seem to be coming out at a reasonable clip.”

  • Agencies Seek Early Mitigation For Disparate Impacts In NEPA Reviews

    In a report issued late last month, the Institute for Policy Integrity (IPI) at New York University urged agencies to prioritize equity consideration across federal regulations. The Sept. 30 report, “Making Regulations Fair: How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Promote Equity and Advance [EJ],” recommends rigorous guidance on assessing and weighing the distributional impacts of regulations. “This insufficient analysis is an enormous obstacle in the effort to make policies, environmental and otherwise, fair for all communities,” IPI says in a release on the report.