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  • EPA Vows to Take Advantage of New Methane Control Technologies

    While it may be a while before the precise outlines of EPA’s upcoming methane rules are clear, legal experts are already noting that the Senate vote makes EPA’s task easier by essentially restoring the 2016 Obama era NSPS as a baseline for further action without the need for a fresh comment process to simply reverse the Trump rule. “You can imagine the whole process of getting this done through the comment-and-rule process could take the majority of Biden’s first term,” New York University School of Law Institute for Policy Integrity Director Richard Revesz told the Wall Street Journal.

  • Most Economists Now See Climate Change Urgency

    74%: that's the share of economists around the world who now say it’s necessary to take “immediate and drastic” action on climate change, up from 50% in 2015, a recent survey shows. The Ph.D. economists, polled by New York University School of Law’s Institute for Policy Integrity in February, came to an “overwhelming consensus that the costs of inaction on climate change are higher than the costs of action, and that immediate, aggressive emissions reductions are economically desirable,” the institute said in a report released last month.

  • Drought Is Consuming the Western U.S., but Water Technologies Offer Lifelines

    Climate change also threatens the economic wellbeing of western states. Recently, the Institute for Public Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law conducted a survey of 738 economists, Gauging Economic Consensus on Climate Change, which found that the benefits of taking action on climate change far outweigh the costs.

  • Does Biden’s American Jobs Plan Go Big Enough on Climate Change?

    “The only way to put this in context is to compare it to the cost of inaction, which is monumental in terms of public health, extreme weather events, climate refugees and economic destruction,” said Anne Kelly, vice president of government relations at Ceres. A survey of 730 global economists published this week by the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University’s School of Law showed that the benefits of acting on climate far outweigh the price.

  • Climate Risks Could Cost the World Economy Trillions of Dollars

    The climate crisis is more than a political topic of discussion. Economists are already outlining the potential for worsening inequality, trillions of dollars in climate-related damages, and depressed global growth. According to the Institute for Policy Integrity at the NYU School of Law’s latest survey, about 74% of economists agree that “immediate and drastic” action is needed to cut emissions.

  • Economist Peter Howard: “The Question Is Not Whether Climate Change Will Impact Gross Domestic Product, but By How Much.”

    As economic director of the American think tank Institute for Policy Integrity and researcher on the social cost of carbon, Peter Howard's work tries to estimate the damages done to the environment and human health by CO2 emissions. Recently, Peter Howard published with his colleague Derek Sylvan the results of one of the largest polls of international economists who have analyzed various effects of climate change. It seems that, even in this discipline, a certain consensus on this problem is beginning to form.

  • What the 2021 Earth Day Polls Reveal

    Some of the more interesting survey findings come from groups who seem more credible than consumers in their opinions. Economists, for example. Consider a recent global survey conducted by the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law. Nearly three-quarters of the 738 economists around the world who responded said they agree "immediate and drastic action is necessary" to address the climate crisis.

  • Economists: Steep CO2 Cuts Are Worth the Cost

    The vast majority of economists with expertise in climate change agree that the benefits of deep emissions cuts outweigh the costs, a survey shows. Researchers at the Institute for Policy Integrity at the NYU School of Law said they believe their new research is the "largest-ever expert survey on the economics of climate change."

  • Economists United on Need for Immediate Action on Climate

    Economists predicted climate change will hurt the economy and worsen income inequality, and said efforts to mitigate change would be cheaper than dealing with the effects of it. The New York University School of Law’s Institute for Policy Integrity heard from 738 economists, all of whom had published articles on climate in 45 top-rated economics, environmental economics and development economics journals.

  • ‘Immediate and Drastic.’ The Climate Crisis Is Seriously Spooking Economists

    Worsening inequality, trillions of dollars in economic damage and depressed economic growth. Those are the outcomes that economists fear we will face unless the world aggressively confronts the climate crisis. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of economists agree "immediate and drastic" action is warranted to curb emissions, according to a survey released Tuesday from the Institute for Policy Integrity at the NYU School of Law. "People who spend their careers studying our economy are in widespread agreement that climate change will be expensive, potentially devastatingly so," said Peter Howard, economics director at the Institute.