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  • Gorsuch Willing to Limit Environmental Groups in Land Cases

    Denise Grab, a lawyer with New York University Law School’s Institute for Policy Integrity, said Gorsuch has a “mixed bag” of rulings related to public lands and the environment, yet seems “unusually eager to throw roadblocks in the way of public interest groups who want their day in court.”

  • EPA Climate Science Next Target After Pruitt’s Carbon Comments?

    Pruitt’s attempt to cast uncertainties about climate change would still not relieve the EPA from its obligation to act, Jack Lienke, a senior attorney at the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law, told Bloomberg BNA.

  • A Subtle Attack on the Environment

    President Donald Trump and newly confirmed EPA administrator Scott Pruitt appear poised to make sweeping environmental policy changes. But strong environmental regulations remain widely popular. Perhaps as a result, the Trump administration may take a subtle approach in attacking environmental rules. Pruitt and other administration officials appear interested in rewriting guidelines for regulatory analysis and they could cook the books so that environmental protections appear to have few or no benefits and exaggerated costs. The results would be sinister, undermining many current and future safeguards for the environment, workplace safety and other important social issues.

  • Trump Plans to Roll Back Obama’s Clean Power Plan. Here’s How He’ll Do It.

    “The agency can’t just ignore the previous rule,” explains Richard Revesz, a law professor at New York University. “It has to make a sound argument for why its new approach is superior — and prove to the courts that it’s not just acting in an arbitrary or capricious manner.” Otherwise, the courts will knock down Pruitt’s attempts to rewrite the rule.

  • Trump’s Court Pick May Be Obstacle to His Anti-Regulatory Moves

    Appellate Judge Neil Gorsuch has been a vigorous critic of the so-called “Chevron doctrine” that gives federal agencies latitude when interpreting ambiguous laws. “Chevron deference became really important in the later part of the Obama administration because Congress hadn’t acted on a number of environmental issues in a while,” said Denise Grab, a senior attorney with Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law.

  • What Trump Can and Can’t Do to Dismantle Obama’s Climate Rules

    The centerpiece of Mr. Obama’s climate change policy is a 2015 E.P.A. rule curbing greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities. Mr. Trump has vowed to eliminate the rule, but doing so could require years of court battles. “There are a number of ways this could play out as it goes through the courts, and it could take at least four to five years,” said Richard Revesz. “Ultimately, what happens to it will likely be determined by the results of the 2020 presidential election.”

  • Democrats Are Learning to Invoke States’ Rights

    America’s most progressive state is set to lead the new fight against federal power. Some potential suits are starting to take shape. California’s lieutenant-governor has said that the state could sue under the California Environmental Quality Act or its federal equivalent to quash Mr. Trump’s plans for a wall along the border with Mexico. Richard Revesz, an environmental-policy expert at New York University’s School of Law, says Democratic states could also sue to slow the repeal of the Clean Power Plan.

  • Scientists Have a New Way to Calculate Global Warming Costs. Trump’s Team Isn’t Going to Like It.

    “If the metric is revised, then the incoming administration would have an obligation to explain why it’s departing from the current approach,” Richard Revesz said. Any changes made without adequate scientific justification would likely be struck down in court.

  • The Coming Battle Between Economists and the Trump Team Over the True Cost of Climate Change

    The new administration almost certainly couldn’t make any major changes without providing adequate scientific and economic justification, said Richard Revesz, a law professor and dean emeritus of the New York University School of Law. Otherwise, the move would also likely be struck down in court as “arbitrary and capricious,” he argued.

  • Economists Agree: Economic Models Underestimate Climate Change

    Last year, the New York–based Institute for Policy Integrity tried to remedy that situation with just such a large-scale survey of economists who have published work on climate change.