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  • Are Low Oil Prices an Opening for a Carbon Tax?

    The price of gasoline today is wrong. It does not include the cost of carbon dioxide pollution from burning it. This is the baseline case for taxing carbon emissions. Without it, fossil fuels are underpriced, argues law professor Michael Livermore at the University of Virginia

  • Curbing Fugitive Methane Costs Little, Buys Time on Climate Change

    While critics of climate regulations often complain that the costs of pollution controls are too high, directly regulating methane would buy time on climate change and redirect natural gas back into the supply chain, at little net cost, due to the commercial value of the captured gas.

  • The Energy Buzzwords People Misuse and Misunderstand

    For several years, Republican leaders and coal-state Democrats have railed against “Obama’s war on coal.” In reality, this supposed “war” is merely the latest stage of an effort to protect public health and welfare that began decades before President Obama took office.

  • Obama’s Professor on Clean Power Plan — Wrong on Facts and Law

    Tribe states that “coal has been a bedrock component of our economy and energy policy for decades” and that the Obama administration’s measure therefore “represents a drastic change in directions from previous Democratic and Republican Administrations.” He is flatly wrong.

  • EPA In the Crosshairs as Oklahoma’s Inhofe Gains Sway Over Climate Policy

    “There are a lot of different things they can try. It’s unclear how successful they’ll be,” Jack Lienke with the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law says.

  • Three California Counties Voting on Fracking Bans

    “As the extent of … fracking has grown nationally in the past few years, public attention has grown in parallel to that,” said Jayni Foley Hein, policy director for the Institute for Policy Integrity in New York.

  • Sen. Whitehouse to Push Carbon Price Bill

    Whitehouse announced the legislation during a conference at New York University on Tuesday, claiming it would “generate significant new federal revenue.”

  • What Methane and Harrison Ford Have in Common

    The bad news is that when methane escapes into the atmosphere unburned, it can trap a lot more heat than an equivalent amount of CO2 — up to 86 times more over a 20-year period, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

  • Climate change may add billions to wildfire costs, study says

    U.S. wildfires cost as much as $125 billion annually, but climate change could add as much as $60 billion to the bill by 2050, the study said. The projected cost increase is attributed to an expanding area in which wildfires burn — estimated to be 50% to 100% larger by 2050.

  • Report argues that climate change-induced wildfires should factor into carbon’s social cost

    The rising price of wildfires due to climate change should be included in the U.S. government’s future estimates of the social cost of carbon emissions. This is the argument in a report released today by New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Defense Fund.