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Recent Projects

Presidential Transition Guidance

As the presidential transition begins, the Institute for Policy Integrity has outlined recommended policy priorities for the Biden administration on climate, energy, and environmental policy, and related social equity outcomes. It is crucial that the incoming administration undertake aggressive reforms that are grounded in science and economics. In recent months, we published a series of reports highlighting actionable, near- and medium-term policy recommendations in several key areas, including:

The vast majority of our recommendations focus on executive-branch actions that can be taken without new congressional legislation. Below, you can read a short overview of each report.

A New Way Forward on Climate Change and Energy Development for Public Lands and Waters
The Department of the Interior has yet to develop a comprehensive plan to accurately account for, manage, and mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions that result from the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels from public lands and waters. Our report describes actions that Interior’s Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management should take to reform public lands management consistent with climate change, conservation, and fiscal reform priorities.


Building a Foundation for Sustainable Infrastructure
New infrastructure policies and investment should address risks from climate change and facilitate a transition to a net-zero-emissions economy. Our report provides policy recommendations at each stage of the infrastructure lifecycle, from project planning and analysis, through financing, construction, and maintenance. We explain how a realigned approach to infrastructure can boost the economic recovery while addressing climate change and prioritizing social equity goals.


Surface Transportation Market Failures and Policy Solutions
Transportation market failures cause greenhouse gas emissions, local air pollution, traffic congestion, and automobile collisions that generate billions of dollars in economic harm every year. Our report outlines several economically-efficient reforms that account for technological, institutional, and political realities. These new actions would improve driver safety, minimize environmental impacts, and lead to more just outcomes for low-income and minority communities.


A Path Forward for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
By better aligning regulatory practices with climate policies, accelerating development of necessary transmission infrastructure, and reforming energy market rules, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission can help ensure an economically efficient and speedy clean-energy transition. Our report details specific policy reforms that can leverage energy markets in order to address climate change.


Enhancing the Social Benefits of Regulatory Review
In recent years, the Trump administration has distorted the practice of regulatory analysis and has eroded the integrity of the government’s regulatory review structure as coordinated by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Our report provides recommendations that would correct recent distortions and refocus OIRA on helping agencies use regulations to benefit the public.


A Roadmap to Regulatory Strategy in an Era of Hyper-Partisanship
The Trump administration deployed a unique array of tactics to reverse Obama-era rules. Our report draws on these lessons to discuss how a new administration can best approach regulatory strategy. We offer advice on promulgating resilient regulations and describe tactics to roll back recent rules using tools such as abeyances and Congressional Review Act disapprovals.