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Recent Projects

  • State Nuisance Law and the Climate Change Challenge to Federalism

    Two legal questions must be answered before the plaintiffs can proceed to the merits of their cases. First, can one bring state nuisance suits for damages caused by interstate pollution? Second, if such claims can be brought, are they nevertheless preempted by federal law? This Note will demonstrate that there is significant legal precedent for allowing state nuisance suits concerning transboundary pollution and no basis for removing the current cases to federal court. It will then argue that courts should not find federal law preempts nuisance lawsuits against these defendants

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  • Comments to EPA on Rescinding Its “Once In, Always In” Policy

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to abandon its longstanding “Once In, Always In” policy, in turn allowing “major sources” that reduce emissions below major source thresholds to reclassify as “area sources” subject to less stringent regulation. We submitted comments detailing inadequacies in EPA’s assessment of the rule’s costs and benefits. The agency fails to analyze the rule’s aggregate emissions impacts, conduct its illustrative analyses against an appropriate baseline, account for the possibility of inadequate state enforcement, and monetize the health and environmental effects of emissions changes.

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  • Comments to USDA on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

    The Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed revisions to eligibility for its Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. We submitted comments focusing on serious flaws in the agency’s analysis of the rule’s impacts.

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  • Comments to BLM on Eastern Colorado Resource Management Plan

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released its draft resource management plan for the Eastern Colorado planning area, projecting millions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year from oil and gas development, coal production, and downstream emissions. We submitted joint comments focusing on BLM’s failure to monetize climate damages and properly analyze energy substitution effects.

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  • Amicus Briefs on HHS Conscience Rule

    The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently finalized a rule that expands protections for healthcare workers who deny care based on moral or religious beliefs. We submitted amicus briefs in support of challenges to the rule filed by states, municipalities, medical organizations, and civil-rights advocates. Our argument details how HHS’s analysis of the rule’s economic impacts ignores significant costs while touting entirely speculative benefits. We submitted briefs to the Southern District of New York, Northern District of California, and the District of Maryland.

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  • Comments on New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan

    New Jersey’s 2019 Energy Master Plan (EMP) outlines how the state can achieve its emissions reduction target of 80% below 2006 levels, as well as 100% clean energy, by 2050. We submitted comments applauding improvements to the draft EMP and making further suggestions. Our comments encourage the state to establish a technology-neutral policy framework to achieve its emissions reduction goal, compensate distributed energy resources in a way that reflects their full social value, and implement reforms to advance related technological and regulatory frameworks. We also submitted comments last October, during the EMP scoping phase, that made suggestions on grid resilience, rate design, and energy storage incentives.

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  • Petition to NHTSA for Reconsideration of Fuel Economy Penalties

    We filed a petition requesting that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reconsider and rescind a new rule reducing penalties for automobile manufacturers that fail to meet corporate fuel economy standards. Our petition explains how NHTSA’s analysis ignores financial and environmental benefits forgone by the rule and relies on flawed, even contradictory evidence. NHTSA’s weakened fuel economy penalties deprive the public of substantial benefits and should be rescinded.

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  • Comments to Minnesota on Electric Resource Planning and the Social Cost of Carbon

    The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Minnesota Department of Commerce requested comments on their proposal to consider resource planning scenarios using a range of both environmental and regulatory costs. Minnesota has been a leader among states on incorporating environmental externalities into electricity policy, and our comments encourage the agencies to continue requiring the use of the social cost of carbon.

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  • Institutional Pathologies in the Regulatory State Cover

    Institutional Pathologies in the Regulatory State

    What Scott Pruitt Taught Us About Regulatory Policy

    While Scott Pruitt’s aggressive deregulatory agenda while he served as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency got significant attention, many of his actions have been successfully challenged in the courts. This Article, published in the Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law, argues that these deregulatory efforts have been plagued by five pathologies that contributed to their legal vulnerability.

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  • Comments to CEQ on NEPA and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    The Council on Environmental Quality is proposing to revise its National Environmental Policy Act guidance on the consideration of greenhouse gas emissions. We submitted comments explaining how the draft guidance makes vague and misleading statements with respect to when and how agencies must analyze the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their project approvals. We encourage CEQ to correct errors and align the guidance with federal caselaw and existing regulations.

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