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Recent Projects

  • Revesz Testifies at House Hearing on Clean Power Plan

    Richard Revesz testified at today’s House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing, “EPA’s CO2 Regulations for New and Existing Power Plants: Legal Perspectives.”

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  • Reconsidering Coal's Fair Market Value Cover

    Reconsidering Coal’s Fair Market Value

    The Social Costs of Coal Production and the Need for Fiscal Reform

    Coal mining on federal lands accounts for more than 40 percent of all coal produced in the United States. But outdated policies, longstanding loopholes, and prevalent environmental externalities keep American taxpayers from receiving their fair share of value from federal coal leases.

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  • Comments on Truck GHG Emissions

    We recently submitted two sets of comments to the EPA and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on their greenhouse gas standards for trucks.

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  • Comments on Aircraft Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards

    We recently submitted comments to the EPA regarding their endangerment finding and advance notice of proposed rulemaking on greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft.

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  • District of Columbia Energy Policy Comments

    We recently submitted comments to the District of Columbia Public Service commission (PSC) regarding their investigation of “technologies and policies that can modernize our energy delivery system.”

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  • Comments on New York State’s “Reforming the Energy Vision” Initiative

    We recently submitted comments to the New York State Public Service Commission regarding the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative, which seeks to spur clean energy innovation and improve consumer choice and affordability in New York State. The Commission sought comments on how best to develop a cost-benefit analysis framework to evaluate utility proposals within the REV and related proceedings. Our comments addressed the consideration of externalities and the social cost of carbon in the Commission’s cost-benefit analysis.

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  • Policy Integrity Weighs in on Federal Coal Program

    Jayni Hein, our policy director, recently participated in the Department of the Interior’s (DOI’s) inaugural listening session on the federal coal program. Hein provided recommendations for modernizing the fiscal terms of federal coal leases at this Washington D.C meeting, held on July 29th. DOI organized the event to solicit input from the public about how the the agency can best carry out its responsibility to ensure that American taxpayers receive a fair return on the coal resources managed by the federal government on their behalf. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell attended the listening session.

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  • Legal Brief on the Social Cost of Carbon

    We recently filed an amicus brief in a federal court case challenging the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) new efficiency standards for commercial refrigeration equipment. The case, Zero Zone Inc. v. U.S. Department of Energy, will be heard by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

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  • Supporting Survivors Cover

    Supporting Survivors

    The Economic Benefits of Providing Civil Legal Assistance to Survivors of Domestic Violence

    Evidence indicates that the social costs of domestic violence extend far beyond the private costs borne by victims and their immediate families. Supporting Survivors analyzes the social costs of this public health problem and explores civil legal aid efforts, which have been shown to reduce rates of domestic violence by helping victims obtain protective orders and other services.

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  • Helping NYC Reach a Clean Air Milestone

    New York City reached an environmental milestone today as the final deadline passed in a multi-year effort to eliminate the city’s dirtiest residential heating oils. Policy Integrity played a major role in shaping and supporting the NYC Clean Heat program, which has saved hundreds of lives by curbing air pollution.

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