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Recent Projects

  • Courts order EPA to proceed with boiler rule

    Yesterday, the courts denied EPA’s request to delay on rules that would restrict certain types of air pollution from industrial boilers. We think the message is clear: after two decades of work on this issue, the time for analysis is over.

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  • Obama on regulatory review

    Today, President Obama penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal demonstrating his commitment to the health and safety of the American public but also to protecting those things in ways that make economic sense.

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  • Public Comments on Head Start

    Today, Policy Integrity submitted public comments on proposed regulations triggered by recent amendments to the Head Start Act. The revisions are aimed at maximizing the federal program’s impact.

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  • NOAA's Enforcement Practices Cover

    NOAA’s Enforcement Practices

    This regulatory report recommends more economically effective fines that would increase the protection of our nation’s ocean life. It comes in response to a possible shift in NOAA’s policies that could risk a rise in over-fishing. The suggestion is properly calibrated fees combined with more rigorous enforcement that, together, will serve to efficiently deter harm to marine life.

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  • Letter to OIRA: Coordinate on Green Labels

    Several federal agencies are in the process of issuing or updating a spate of environmental labels for consumer products: cars, tires, appliances, and now, recent Federal Trade Commission proposals will affect the labeling on lots of other everyday items.

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  • Public comments on Green Labels

    Lately, labels on eco-friendly products have proliferated. It seems like almost everything is marked as “green,” “compostable,” “free of” something, or made with renewable materials. But who makes sure all these items are as gentle on the environment as they say they are?

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  • Public Comments on Fuel Economy Label Revisions

    Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration proposed revisions to the labels that auto manufacturers have to put in the windows of their vehicles to let buyers know how much—or how little—gas their cars will guzzle.

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  • Public Comments on the Economics of Coal Ash Disposal

    In many places around the nation the toxic sludge leftovers of the coal combustion process are stored in vast unlined pools where poisons can leak into groundwater. Sometimes, like in Kingston, Tennessee, these holding pens break letting loose an avalanche of black poisonous muck.

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  • Memo on Myths of Net Neutrality

    In the discourse over net neutrality there are some important facts getting lost in the shuffle. There are strong arguments that weigh in favor of net neutrality, and there are reasonable arguments that caution against it. There is no reason for either side to rely on myths to win support.

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  • 52 Experiments with Regulatory Review Cover

    52 Experiments with Regulatory Review

    The Political and Economic Inputs into State Rulemaking

    After more than a year of research, surveys, and analysis, Policy Integrity is the first to compile the regulatory practices of all fifty states in one document. Comparing each set of laws and guidelines on paper to direct feedback from leaders on the ground, the report assigns states a grade based on the quality of their review process.

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