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The Institute for Policy Integrity produces a variety of publications. Our research reports develop in-depth research on our core issues, while our policy briefs and issue briefs provide focused analysis on more timely or particular topics. Our academic articles and working papers offer original scholarly research and analysis from established experts as well as fresh new voices.

Latest Publications

  • NOAA's Enforcement Practices Cover

    NOAA’s Enforcement Practices

    This regulatory report recommends more economically effective fines that would increase the protection of our nation’s ocean life. It comes in response to a possible shift in NOAA’s policies that could risk a rise in over-fishing. The suggestion is properly calibrated fees combined with more rigorous enforcement that, together, will serve to efficiently deter harm to marine life.

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  • 52 Experiments with Regulatory Review Cover

    52 Experiments with Regulatory Review

    The Political and Economic Inputs into State Rulemaking

    After more than a year of research, surveys, and analysis, Policy Integrity is the first to compile the regulatory practices of all fifty states in one document. Comparing each set of laws and guidelines on paper to direct feedback from leaders on the ground, the report assigns states a grade based on the quality of their review process.

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  • Regulatory Change and Optimal Transition Relief Cover

    Regulatory Change and Optimal Transition Relief

    Grandfathering has become a common practice in regulating industries like coal power generation. But it is not clear that phasing out polluting plants is beneficial. The costs of retrofitting existing plants to comply with new standard can be higher than the compliance costs for a new plant. Since the costs of shifting to new technology must be borne at some point, (since granfathering can’t be indefinite) it might be best not to grandfather at all so that society can benefit from lower pollution levels earlier. That’s just one of the arguments examined in this working paper.

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  • Climate Change and Future Generations Cover

    Climate Change and Future Generations

    Efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and control climate change implicate a wide range of social, moral, economic, and political issues, none of them simple or clear. But when regulators evaluate the desirability of climate change mitigation through cost-benefit analysis, one factor typically determines whether mitigation is justified: the discount rate or the rate at which future benefits are converted to their present value.

    This working paper evaluates the four principal justifications for intergenerational discounting, which often are conflated in the literature. It shows that none of these justifications supports the prevalent approach of discounting benefits to future generations at the rate of return in financial markets and, more generally, that discounting cannot substitute for a moral theory setting forth our obligations to future generations.

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  • The Value of Open Cover

    The Value of Open

    An Update on Net Neutrality

    An open Internet allows anyone with an idea and a domain name to add content to the web for all to use. It’s a system that most believe works very well, generating billions in economic benefits for the American public every year. This policy brief analyzes the economic uncertainties of weakening our current, open Internet and sees potential trouble ahead if it is not preserved.

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