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The Institute for Policy Integrity produces a variety of publications. Our research reports develop in-depth research on our core issues, while our policy briefs and issue briefs provide focused analysis on more timely or particular topics. Our academic articles and working papers offer original scholarly research and analysis from established experts as well as fresh new voices.

Latest Publications

  • The Other Side of the Coin Cover

    The Other Side of the Coin

    The Economic Benefits of Climate Legislation

    This brief compiles estimates from several different federal agencies, and calculates that the economic benefits of the emissions cap in the Waxman-Markey bill likely dwarf the costs by as much as 9-to-1 or more. The benefit to cost ratio was determined using the EPA’s previously released (and peer reviewed) cost estimates and a newly released “social cost of carbon” estimate from an interagency process which provides a conservative dollar figure for the benefits of greenhouse gas reductions.

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  • No More Excuses Cover

    No More Excuses

    The Economic Case for Coal Ash Regulation

    No More Excuses: The Economic Case for Coal Ash Regulation is a brief but careful analysis which reveals several compelling findings on the regulation of the toxic by-product of coal combustion. In broad strokes, it is clear that the benefits of regulating coal ash storage facilities would far outweigh the costs. The benefits of a regulation requiring coal ash to be stored in dry conditions and in synthetically-lined, covered facilities could save tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars per storage facility.

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  • Regulatory Cost-Benefit Analysis and Collective Action Cover

    Regulatory Cost-Benefit Analysis and Collective Action

    In Regulatory Cost-Benefit Analysis and Collective Action, Daniel H. Cole describes the influence of cost-benefit analysis and explains how and why it is a politically useful tools for agencies, even when those agencies are not required by law to prepare regulatory cost-benefit analyses (RCBA). As Cole says in his introduction, “For better or for worse, RCBAs have significantly influenced policies for dealing with, or not dealing with, collective action problems ranging from airport enlargement to global climate change.”

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  • Federalism Accountability Cover

    Federalism Accountability

    “Agency Forcing” Measures

    In Federalism Accountability: “Agency Forcing” Measures, author Catherine M. Sharkey advocates a variety of “agency-forcing” measures designed to enhance the ability of Congress, the executive, and especially the courts to ensure that agencies abide by executive mandates and other reforms, and to provide a check on overt politicization or inaction on agencies’ part.

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  • The Road Ahead Cover

    The Road Ahead

    EPA’s Options and Obligations for Regulating Greenhouse Gases

    This detailed legal analysis provides an in-depth and thorough discussion of greenhouse gas regulation under the Clean Air Act answering the questions: What are EPA’s obligations under the Clean Air Act, and how far can and should the agency go to regulate greenhouse gases?

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