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Viewing all publications in Academic Articles/Working Papers
  • Balancing on the Grid Edge Cover

    Balancing on the Grid Edge

    Regulating for Economic Efficiency in the Wake of FERC v. EPSA

    This new article from senior attorney Denise Grab is featured in a special edition of the Harvard Environmental Law Journal that focuses on the Supreme Court’s FERC v. EPSA case.

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  • Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Structure of the Administrative State Cover

    Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Structure of the Administrative State

    The Case of Financial Services

    The viability and desirability of conducting cost-benefit analysis of financial regulation is a subject of intense academic debate. Opponents claim that such analysis is feasible for environmental regulation but not for financial regulation because of the difference in the benefits that require monetization in the respective areas. This article, which will be published in a forthcoming edition of the Yale Journal on Regulation, argues that the recent debate misses an important part of the problem. In large part, cost-benefit analysis of financial regulation cannot currently be performed successfully because of institutional shortcomings, not analytical difficulties. Compared to Executive Branch agencies, independent agencies, like the major financial regulatory agencies, lack the capacity to do cost-benefit analyses of acceptable quality. Fortunately, there are good Executive Branch models that could be exported to the financial regulatory agencies.

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  • Managing the Future of the Electricity Grid: Distributed Generation and Net Metering Cover

    Managing the Future of the Electricity Grid: Distributed Generation and Net Metering

    As distributed energy generation is becoming increasingly common, the debate on how a utility’s customers should be compensated for the excess energy they sell back to the grid is intensifying. This article provides a thorough analysis of the benefits and the costs of distributed generation and highlights the analytical flaws and missing elements in the competing positions and in all the existing policies.

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  • Familiar Territory Cover

    Familiar Territory

    A Survey of Legal Precedents for the Clean Power Plan

    In this essay, we highlight a wide variety of regulations from the Clean Air Act’s forty-five-year history that provide substantial precedent for the flexible design of the Clean Power Plan.

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  • The Economic Climate Cover

    The Economic Climate

    Establishing Expert Consensus on the Economics of Climate Change

    This working paper offers detailed analysis of our survey of economic experts on climate change issues. We surveyed all those who published an article on climate change in a highly ranked economics journal over the past 20 years. The survey focused on estimated climate impacts and appropriate policy responses, and the results reveal several areas where expert consensus exists on these issues.

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