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Viewing all publications in Climate and Energy Policy
  • Illuminating the Hidden Costs of Coal (Summary for Policymakers) Cover

    Illuminating the Hidden Costs of Coal (Summary for Policymakers)

    This summary document describes how the Department of the Interior can make strides in modernizing the federal coal program through straightforward royalty rate increases and fiscal reform.

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  • Illuminating the Hidden Costs of Coal Cover

    Illuminating the Hidden Costs of Coal

    How the Interior Department Can Use Economic Tools to Modernize the Federal Coal Program

    This report analyzes the hidden costs of coal production, and suggests updates that the Department of the Interior could make to modernize the federal coal program and earn “fair market value” for taxpayers, as required by law.

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  • Expert Consensus on the Economics of Climate Change Cover

    Expert Consensus on the Economics of Climate Change

    We surveyed everyone who published an article related to climate change in a highly ranked economics journal over the past 20 years. The survey revealed consensus that climate damages could be more severe and more immediate than previously thought.

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  • Familiar Territory Cover

    Familiar Territory

    A Survey of Legal Precedents for the Clean Power Plan

    In this essay, we highlight a wide variety of regulations from the Clean Air Act’s forty-five-year history that provide substantial precedent for the flexible design of the Clean Power Plan.

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  • The Economic Climate Cover

    The Economic Climate

    Establishing Expert Consensus on the Economics of Climate Change

    This working paper offers detailed analysis of our survey of economic experts on climate change issues. We surveyed all those who published an article on climate change in a highly ranked economics journal over the past 20 years. The survey focused on estimated climate impacts and appropriate policy responses, and the results reveal several areas where expert consensus exists on these issues.

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