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  • A Roadmap to Regulatory Strategy in an Era of Hyper-Partisanship Cover

    A Roadmap to Regulatory Strategy in an Era of Hyper-Partisanship

    This report discusses how an administration that begins a new term can navigate regulatory strategy. It offers advice on navigating this terrain for White House officials, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, transition teams at agencies, and advocates. The report also contains a section on how an incoming administration can roll back the prior administration’s rules if there is an inter-party transition.

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  • Weakening Our Defenses Cover

    Weakening Our Defenses

    How the Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Push Has Exacerbated the Covid-19 Pandemic

    The failure of the federal government to adequately safeguard the health, environment, and economy of the United States with efficient regulatory protections is not a new phenomenon. For over three years now, the Trump administration has systematically delayed, undermined, and erased key regulations that protect our health, our environment, our workplaces, our living conditions, and our economy. The steady erosion of regulatory safeguards has severely compromised our baseline defenses against Covid-19.

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  • Shortchanged: How the Trump Administration's Rollback of the Clean Car Standards Deprives Consumers of Fuel Savings Cover

    Shortchanged: How the Trump Administration’s Rollback of the Clean Car Standards Deprives Consumers of Fuel Savings

    The Trump administration recently replaced the Obama administration’s strongest climate policy, the Clean Car Standards, with a significantly weaker rule. We explain how EPA and NHTSA, to justify the rollback, rely on an analytical gimmick that contravenes decades of agency practice across administrations as well as the principles of basic economics. 

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  • What We Lose When They "Save" Cover

    What We Lose When They “Save”

    The Administration’s Misleading Claims About Deregulatory Cost Savings

    The Trump administration regularly boasts about the cost savings of rolling back regulations, focusing on industry profits without considering significant negative impacts. This policy brief address and counters the administration's cost savings claims and demonstrates that they should not be taken at face value.

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  • Carbon Pricing in Wholesale Energy Markets Cover

    Carbon Pricing in Wholesale Energy Markets

    Conference Brief

    Policy Integrity and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University convened a conference on March 3, 2020, to discuss current, and potential future, approaches to carbon pricing in wholesale markets. This brief highlights some of the major points of discussion and suggests open questions for future study. 

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