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Viewing all publications in Research Reports
  • 2011 Heavy-Duty Trucks Rule Cover

    2011 Heavy-Duty Trucks Rule

    EPA and NHTSA have taken a crucial step in addressing our greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependency by regulating the fuel efficiency of heavy-duty trucks for the first time. But, there is room for improvement.

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  • NOAA's Enforcement Practices Cover

    NOAA’s Enforcement Practices

    This regulatory report recommends more economically effective fines that would increase the protection of our nation’s ocean life. It comes in response to a possible shift in NOAA’s policies that could risk a rise in over-fishing. The suggestion is properly calibrated fees combined with more rigorous enforcement that, together, will serve to efficiently deter harm to marine life.

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  • 52 Experiments with Regulatory Review Cover

    52 Experiments with Regulatory Review

    The Political and Economic Inputs into State Rulemaking

    After more than a year of research, surveys, and analysis, Policy Integrity is the first to compile the regulatory practices of all fifty states in one document. Comparing each set of laws and guidelines on paper to direct feedback from leaders on the ground, the report assigns states a grade based on the quality of their review process.

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  • Residual Risks Cover

    Residual Risks

    The Unseen Costs of Using Dirty Oil in New York City Boilers

    In about 9,000 big apartment and commercial buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx, boilers burn a dirty fuel to heat their units. “Residual Risks” analyses the health, environmental, and economic benefits of switching away from this dirty fuel to cleaner alternatives like natural gas.

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  • Free To Invest Cover

    Free To Invest

    The Economic Benefits of Preserving Net Neutrality

    It is hard to imagine a future where the value of the Web takes a downward spiral: where less content is created, online access is less useful, and fewer people log on. In Free to Invest, the Institute for Policy Integrity warns of negative economic consequences if net neutrality is weakened. The report arrived at five main findings that describe the trade-offs of revoking net neutrality.

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