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Recent Projects

  • Tracking Truckers’ Hours

    Today, Policy Integrity submitted comments to the Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

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  • Comments to EPA and DOE on Retrospective Review

    Back in January, President Obama signed Executive Order 13,563 requesting that agencies develop and submit preliminary plans to periodically review existing significant regulations.

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  • Letter to FCC On Creation of Trust Fund for Public Media

    Today, Policy Integrity sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Obama’s plan for voluntary incentive auctions of noncommercial broadcast television spectrum. This plan would permit the FCC to conduct incentive-based auctions of unused broadband spectrum, making more airwaves available for wireless broadband services to prevent network congestion amid shooting demand for services such as mobile web surfing.

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  • Letter to Obama Officals on the Social Cost of Carbon

    Policy Integrity, along with a group of environmental organizations, sent a letter to government officials urging the Administration to fulfill its commitment to updating the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) value to reflect improving science and economic understanding of climate change and its effects on society. Doing so can communicate to the public important information about the benefits of greenhouse gas reductions and show how the Administration frames the climate change issue and the values it brings to decision-making.

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  • Public Comments on Truckers’ Hours of Service

    Policy Integrity submitted comments on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association’s (“FMCSA”) proposed revisions to its hours of service regulation (“HOS regulation”) for commercial truck drivers. The regulation dates back to the Motor Carrier Act of 1935, which has seen little change to its basic structure despite numerous subsequent revisions. Our comments find FMCSA’s proposed modifications lacking for several reasons.

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  • EPA Releases Second Prospective Study on Clean Air Act

    The EPA released the third report in its series of cost-benefit analyses of the Clean Air Act today. Titled the Second Prospective Study, this report focuses on the effects of programs implemented after the 1990 amendments to the act.

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  • Jason Schwartz gives testimony on NYC heating oil rule

    Today, the city is conducting hearings on a regulation that the Bloomberg administration released last month to address the soot pollution from residual oil.

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  • Physician’s Conscience Rule Recinded

    Today, the Obama administration rescinded the 2008 Bush-era physician conscience rule, which extended protections to health care providers who refused to provide certain services due to moral or religious objections.

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  • 2011 Heavy-Duty Trucks Rule Cover

    2011 Heavy-Duty Trucks Rule

    EPA and NHTSA have taken a crucial step in addressing our greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependency by regulating the fuel efficiency of heavy-duty trucks for the first time. But, there is room for improvement.

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  • Value of Mortality Risk

    Policy Integrity recently submitted comments to the EPA on their “Valuing Mortality Risk Reductions For Environmental Policy” white paper, which focuses on topics related to the EPA’s practices regarding the valuation of mortality risks.

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