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Recent Projects

Viewing recent projects in Government Transparency
  • Comments to EPA and DOE on Retrospective Review

    Back in January, President Obama signed Executive Order 13,563 requesting that agencies develop and submit preliminary plans to periodically review existing significant regulations.

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  • Value of Mortality Risk

    Policy Integrity recently submitted comments to the EPA on their “Valuing Mortality Risk Reductions For Environmental Policy” white paper, which focuses on topics related to the EPA’s practices regarding the valuation of mortality risks.

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  • Obama on regulatory review

    Today, President Obama penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal demonstrating his commitment to the health and safety of the American public but also to protecting those things in ways that make economic sense.

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  • Letter to OIRA: Coordinate on Green Labels

    Several federal agencies are in the process of issuing or updating a spate of environmental labels for consumer products: cars, tires, appliances, and now, recent Federal Trade Commission proposals will affect the labeling on lots of other everyday items.

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  • 52 Experiments with Regulatory Review Cover

    52 Experiments with Regulatory Review

    The Political and Economic Inputs into State Rulemaking

    After more than a year of research, surveys, and analysis, Policy Integrity is the first to compile the regulatory practices of all fifty states in one document. Comparing each set of laws and guidelines on paper to direct feedback from leaders on the ground, the report assigns states a grade based on the quality of their review process.

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  • Climate Change and Future Generations Cover

    Climate Change and Future Generations

    Efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and control climate change implicate a wide range of social, moral, economic, and political issues, none of them simple or clear. But when regulators evaluate the desirability of climate change mitigation through cost-benefit analysis, one factor typically determines whether mitigation is justified: the discount rate or the rate at which future benefits are converted to their present value.

    This working paper evaluates the four principal justifications for intergenerational discounting, which often are conflated in the literature. It shows that none of these justifications supports the prevalent approach of discounting benefits to future generations at the rate of return in financial markets and, more generally, that discounting cannot substitute for a moral theory setting forth our obligations to future generations.

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  • Memo to the Department of Justice on Prison Safety

    The Prison Rape Elimination Act, passed in 2003, was supposed to protect individuals in prison from sexual assault. But seven years after its enactment, it has yet to be implemented.

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  • OMB considering reviewing rulemaking petitions for under-regulation

    Earlier this summer, Policy Integrity submitted comments on OIRA’s annual report to Congress.

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  • Policy Integrity requests permission to participate as amicus curiae on tailpipe standards cases

    Due today were filings to participate as amicus curiae on one of three court cases seeking judicial review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s CAFE standards.

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  • Policy Integrity submits comments to OIRA’s 2010 report to Congress

    Each year, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) reports to Congress on the costs and benefit of federal regulations.

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