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Recent Projects

  • Comments on New York State Benefit Cost Analysis Handbooks

    We recently submitted reply comments to the New York State Public Service Commission on Benefit Cost Analysis Handbooks submitted to the Commission by utility companies, within the Reforming the Energy Vision proceeding. Benefit-cost analysis will assist in determining the best resource allocations between traditional utility distribution grid investments and distributed energy resources (DER), by allowing for direct comparison. These Handbooks will help ensure that the utilities’ benefit-cost analyses will help to select investment options that will maximize net benefits to the public.

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  • Bounded Regulation Cover

    Bounded Regulation

    How the Clean Power Plan Conforms to Statutory Limits on EPA’s Authority

    This policy brief analyzes the limits of the EPA’s Section 111 regulatory authority and determines that the CPP explicitly acknowledges and respects each of the EPA’s statutory constraints. The brief discusses the eight major constraints for emissions guidelines under Clean Air Act Section 111, and examines how the CPP handles each one. The analysis finds no evidence to support petitioners’ accusations that the the EPA exceeded its regulatory authority.

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  • Comments on NARUC’s Distributed Energy Resources Compensation Manual

    As distributed energy resources (DER) become more common and play a larger role in helping meet clean energy targets, many states are increasing their focus on the valuation and compensation of these resources. The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) is creating a manual to assist states with these key policy questions. We recently submitted comments to NARUC’s Staff Subcommittee on Rate Design to help ensure that the manual is complete, accurate, and unbiased.

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  • Think Global Cover

    Think Global

    International Reciprocity as Justification for a Global Social Cost of Carbon

    U.S. climate regulations present a special case of federal agencies applying a global, rather than exclusively domestic, perspective to the costs and benefits in their regulatory impact analyses. Since 2010, federal agencies have emphasized global valuations of climate damages for policies that affect carbon dioxide emissions, using a metric called the “Social Cost of Carbon.” More recently, agencies have also begun to use a global valuation of the “Social Cost of Methane,” for methane emissions. Yet lately, these global metrics have come under attack in courtrooms and academic journals, where opponents have challenged the statutory authority and economic justification for global values. This paper defends a continued focus on the global effects of U.S. climate policy, drawing on legal, strategic, and economic arguments.

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  • Federal Court Supports Use of Social Cost of Carbon

    On August 8, 2016, the Seventh Circuit handed down its opinion in Zero Zone, Inc. v. United States Department of Energy, upholding the agency’s use of the social cost of carbon (SCC) in its regulatory impact analysis of commercial refrigerator energy efficiency standards. The ruling may have paved the way for a new chapter in economically efficient U.S. climate policies, and our brief for the case was acknowledged in the judges’ opinion.

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  • Brief for Challenge to Ozone Standard

    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will soon hear arguments in Murray Energy Corp. v. U.S. E.P.A., challenging the EPA’s revised ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Policy Integrity has submitted an amicus brief in support of the EPA for this case.

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  • Self-Bonding in an Era of Coal Bankruptcy Cover

    Self-Bonding in an Era of Coal Bankruptcy

    Recommendations for Reform

    Federal law requires coal companies to reclaim and restore land and water resources that have been degraded by mining. But at many sites, reclamation occurs slowly, if it all. Mining companies are required to post performance bonds to ensure the successful completion of reclamation efforts should they become insolvent, but regulators have discretion to accept “self-bonds,” which allow many companies to operate without posting any surety or collateral. As the coal industry experiences financial distress and coal companies declare bankruptcy, the viability of future reclamation work is endangered. This report offers recommendations to help regulators better assess coal companies’ financial health and take steps to curtail self-bonding.

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  • New York State Clean Energy Standard Final Order

    In 2015, New York State announced its Clean Energy Standard, an ambitious mandate to boost clean energy. We have submitted numerous comments to the New York State Public Service Commission, suggesting several changes in the design of this Standard to ensure that the state’s policy goals can be met in the most-cost effective manner. In its final order, the Commission adopted several of our suggested changes. Most notably, the Commission relied on our comments in deciding to calculate zero-emission credit payments based on the Social Cost of Carbon. This marks a major success in our ongoing efforts to encourage government agencies to use the Social Cost of Carbon as a tool when designing policy.

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  • New York State Zero-Emissions Attributes Comments

    We recently submitted comments to the New York State Department of Public Service Staff regarding their Responsive Proposal for Preserving Zero-Emissions Attributes. This Proposal offers recommendations on how to achieve New York’s clean energy target: 50 percent of all electricity used in the state by 2030 should be generated by renewable energy sources.

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  • Comments to SEC on Environmental Disclosures

    We recently submitted comments to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on business and financial disclosures related to environmental risk.

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